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Protect Your Business from Ransomware as a Service

Cloud-based business models such as infrastructure as a service and software as a service have balloon in popularity, gaining mainstream acceptance in recent years. Cloud providers benefit from superior economic models that scale while also reducing their development risk and complexity. However, with success comes attention, so it’s only logical that criminals have emulated these models.

Fortinet, potential vector for Lockbit ransomware attack against Accenture

Accenture has acknowledged that it was the victim of a ransomware attack on July 30 in what it described as a "security incident." As reported by Cyberscoop, the hackers (a gang known as LockBit) began leaking stolen data and threatened to release further compromised information. LockBit first emerged in 2019 and its ransomware cyberattacks primarily target large corporations, from which it hopes to extort large sums of money.

Beware of malware attacks: Little-known facts and why they matter

Did you know that nearly 560,000 new instances of malware are detected every day? As cybersecurity advances, threat actors develop malware with new tricks that exploit weaknesses in an IT environment. Once the malware finds a loophole, it spreads exponentially like a disease, corrupting files, exfiltrating data, redirecting traffic to other destinations, and performing other malicious activities. Malware can spread at a jaw-dropping rate.

AI/ML for Malware Detection

Malware detection is an important part of the Netskope Security Cloud platform, complete with a secure access service edge (SASE) architecture, that we provide to our customers. Malware is malicious software that is designed to harm or exploit devices and computer systems. Various types of malware, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, and spyware, remain a serious problem for corporations and government agencies.

5 Reasons we're seeing more ransomware attacks than ever before

Cybersecurity specialists have noticed several troubling trends over the past year, ransomware being one of the most concerning. While this is far from a new issue, it’s now more common than ever before. Every month in Q2 2021 set a new record for ransomware attempts, contributing to a 151% year-over-year increase compared to 2020. Cybercrime has risen in the past year, but ransomware attacks are outpacing other forms.

Deterring ransomware for state and local government

According to FBI Director, Christopher Wray, when it comes to ransomware disruption and prevention, “...there’s a shared responsibility, not just across government agencies but across the private sector and even the average American.” At Elastic, we’re here to help state and local governments. Ransomware attacks cost the U.S. government more than $18.9 billion in 2020 alone.

What did we learn from the 2021 ICO Report?

The 2021 ICO Annual Report highlights areas of concern for UK organisations, including the rise of ransomware, the constant threat of email phishing, and the lack of public faith in companies’ handling of data. Let’s dive into some of the more interesting findings from the regulatory body’s latest report.

Hit by hackers? You're now a target for more attacks

After being hit by a ransomware or phishing attack, it might be tempting for businesses to think the damage has been done and they can now focus on rebuilding. This is rarely the case. Research shows that 80% of organisations targeted by ransomware end up suffering another attack – and 46% are targeted by the same cybercriminals that hit them in the first place.