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Your Cybersecurity MVP: the Rubrik Ransomware Response Team

Have you ever asked yourself, “What happens if I am attacked by ransomware?” Well, the over 4,500 Rubrik customers around the world have the ultimate peace of mind knowing their data is secure with our Zero Trust Data Security platform. In addition to Rubrik’s industry-leading and comprehensive data security solution, we also have a specialized Ransomware Response Team to provide world-class support and care when our customers are attacked.

Malware Analysis Guide: Types & Tools

Malware analysis is a process of identifying and examining malware samples to understand the threat they pose. This information can develop defences against the malware or help remove it from infected systems. Malware analysis is a critical skill for incident responders and IT professionals. There are a variety of malware analysis tools and techniques that can be used, depending on the type of malware sample.

Playing Hide-and-Seek with Ransomware, Part 2

In Part 1, we explained what Intel SGX enclaves are and how they benefit ransomware authors. In Part 2, we explore a hypothetical step-by-step implementation and outline the limitations of this method. Watch this live attack demo to see how the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform and the CrowdStrike Falcon Complete™ managed detection and response team protect against ransomware.

Conquer the Three Battlegrounds of Modern Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

One of the most empowering documents in an organization’s arsenal is its business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) plan. Sure, it lays out in detail everything bad that could happen to your business, but it also provides point-by-point strategies to respond to each of those threats. Or does it? A good BCDR plan is a living document that evolves alongside the threats its organization faces. The trouble is that the world is changing fast, and BCDR teams are breathlessly trying to keep up.

Archive Sidestepping: Self-Unlocking Password-Protected RAR

Trustwave SpiderLabs’ spam traps have identified an increase in threats packaged in password-protected archives with about 96% of these being spammed by the Emotet Botnet. In the first half of 2022, we identified password-protected ZIP files as the third most popular archive format used by cybercriminals to conceal malware.

Despite Lowest Software Flaw Frequency, Manufacturing's Fix Times Lag and Create Ransomware Risk

In 2021, manufacturing became cybercriminals’ most targeted industry as a surge in global ransomware attacks disrupted manufacturing operations and exacerbated supply chain woes. This put even more pressure on manufacturing organizations that were already feeling the heat. Recognizing that ransomware attacks can stem back to software vulnerabilities, many manufacturers are exploring ways to strengthen their software security programs.

Infrastructure Security is Not Enough to Defend Against Ransomware

Register Now Let’s face it, you’re still vulnerable to ransomware. Even if it feels like you’ve done everything—you’ve built a robust defense, you have multiple cybersecurity measures in place, and you’ve implemented a company-wide security training. But, is it enough? Every business is vulnerable to ransomware. From the largest bank to the smallest school.

Why Auto Dealers Are Prime Targets for Ransomware Attacks

It’s no secret that cyber attacks — especially ransomware attacks — are increasing across industries and organizations. Attack methods are evolving and rapid digitization, along with the rise of cloud computing and a remote workforce, are creating new threat vectors and exposing new vulnerabilities. One industry that has become a major target for attacks is the automotive industry.

Dark Crystal RAT Agent Deep Dive

The Splunk Threat Research Team (STRT) analyzed and developed Splunk analytics for this RAT to help defenders identify signs of compromise within their networks. Remote Access Trojans (RATs) are one of the most common tools used by threat actors as a malicious payload to attack targeted hosts and steal information. One example is the Dark Crystal RAT (DCRat) that is capable of remote access, post exploitation and data exfiltration.

Stories from the SOC: Feeling so foolish - SocGholish drive by compromise

SocGholish, also known as FakeUpdate, is a JavaScript framework leveraged in social engineering drive by compromises that has been a thorn in cybersecurity professionals’ and organizations’ sides for at least 5 years now. Upon visiting a compromised website, users are redirected to a page for a browser update and a zip archive file containing a malicious JavaScript file is downloaded and unfortunately often opened and executed by the fooled end user.