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Wells Fargo Scam Texts: How To Spot Them

Texting has taken over the global communication space; marketers and predators are seeing huge dollar signs. Email continues to be a reliable, but somewhat fraught with problems, alternative form of communication. In fact, the average user interacts, sends, and receives 25% more texts than email, and usage is skyrocketing. Most electronic device users have loads more unopened emails than texts.

Fraudulent Tax Filings Go Out For Harding, Shymanski, and Company Customers

Harding, Shymanski, and Company is a major accounting firm that works with customers providing them with tax help and other financial services. The company recently suffered from a data breach that exposed many of its clients and led to fraudulent tax filings for the 2022 tax year. The company employs more than 142 people and has an approximate annual revenue of $28 million. A large number of individuals were impacted by this very serious data breach.

Thousands of Unlimited Care Inc Employees Lose Their Data in Recent Breach

Unlimited Care Inc. is a home health company that offers help to patients in Westchester, New York, and surrounding locations. The company employs more than 2,500 people and has an annual revenue of more than $250 million. The organization recently suffered from a data attack that could have compromised a large number of company employees.

Nearly One-Half of IT Pros are Told to Keep Quiet About Security Breaches

At a time when cyber attacks are achieving success in varying degrees and IT pros are keeping quiet about resulting breaches, there is one specific type of attack that has them most worried. Despite us all working in IT at a time where the sharing of threat data is at its highest, there is still the notion that organizations don’t want the public finding out about data breaches for fear of the repercussions to the company’s revenue and reputation.

Nearly 500,000 Bank of America Customers Hit By Data Breach on Debt Collector

Bank of America is a massive worldwide financial institution that works with hundreds of thousands of customers. The organization relies on NCB Management to collect debts and manage past-due accounts. A recent data breach at NCB Management compromised nearly half a million Bank of America customers and may have put them at risk from fraud and identity theft. Get the details about this attack to learn what potential damage may have occurred and what you can do about it if your data is involved.

51 Biggest Data Breach Fines, Penalties and Settlements so Far

Experts at Ponemon Institute reveal that the average cost of a data breach will reach around $5 million in 2023. This is a hike when compared to $ 4.35 million in 2022 and $4.24 million in 2021. With the frequency and severity of data breaches on the rise, businesses must prioritize data security to avoid hefty fines and penalties.

More than 53,000 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Patients Have Data Exposed

The NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is a leading academic hospital that delivers virtual and in-person care to a wide range of patients. The hospital offers urgent care services, as well as primary and specialized care. This facility recently discovered a data breach that exposed the information of more than 54,000 patients overall.

Discord Cooperates with the Government in An Attempt to Learn About Recent Breach

Between January and March of this year, US government documents started being leaked online. These documents contain some valuable information, and the Department of Defense has been trying to determine the culprits behind the leaked documents.

Nexx Security Components Aren't Safe, Say Security Experts

Nexx is a home security company that specializes in internet-connected security devices such as alarms, garage door openers, cameras, plugs, and more. The company works to make homes safer and to help with home automation goals. Unfortunately, it appears that Nexx products are vulnerable to some major security issues, and it doesn't appear that the company is actively working to fix the issues.

Common OfferUp Scams to Watch Out For

One of the hottest online trends is auction sites selling everything from toys to cars and items tucked away in a closet. Sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and Decluttr, provide a way for anyone to sell anything. eBay and Craigslist began the craze of selling unwanted household items back in 1995. These sites sought to bring together buyers and sellers in an open and honest marketplace. Both companies expanded rapidly beyond collectibles into any saleable item.