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Top IoT Enterprise Solutions and their Benefits

IoT enterprise solutions involve using interconnected devices and sensors within business operations to enhance efficiency, productivity, and real-time decision-making. This article will guide you through the growing market, infrastructure components, and the key benefits for businesses. We will also share real-world applications, emerging trends, and steps for successful implementation.

IoT: Internet of Threats?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has slowly but surely weaved its way into our homes and places of work. From smart homes to industrial control systems, IoT has brought convenience and efficiency to our lives. However, with this increased connectivity we have increased our risk. The IoT Attack Surface IoT devices are often designed with functionality in mind, rather than security. This means that many devices have weak or default passwords, unpatched vulnerabilities, and insecure communication protocols.

From Legacy Systems to IoT: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Evolving Threats

The explosive growth in connectivity and the geopolitical environment is putting critical infrastructure around the world at risk. Connecting legacy industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that critical infrastructure runs on to IT environments, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and out to the Internet makes it easier for cybercriminals and state-sponsored groups to gain access to systems and conduct malicious activities.

Why Your Business Needs a Robust IoT Security Framework

In a digital landscape teeming with possibilities, safeguarding your business with a robust Internet of Things security framework is paramount. From interconnected devices to data privacy concerns, the stakes are high. Let’s delve into the realm of IoT security and unveil the crucial reasons behind fortifying your business against evolving cyber threats.

Emerging IoT Wiper Malware: Kaden and New LOLFME Botnet Variants

Wipers are malware that delete data on a device or make it inaccessible. They can be used for sabotage, to destroy evidence of an attack or simply to make a device unusable. IoT wipers often rewrite important parts of the firmware of an IoT device, rendering that device useless, so they are also known as “brickers”. Recent notorious examples of IoT wipers are AcidRain which was used by a Russian APT to brick satellite modems in Europe at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

The Key Benefits of Adopting Zero Trust IoT for Device Identity Lifecycle Management

Understanding Zero Trust IoT Zero Trust IoT is a security model that requires every device to verify its identity and security before accessing any network resources. In simpler terms, it means that no device is automatically trusted, regardless of where it is connecting from. This approach helps to prevent unauthorized access and potential security breaches. With Zero Trust IoT, each device must continuously prove its trustworthiness, adding a layer of security to networks and data.

Navigating the Ethical Road: Recommendations for Connected and Automated Vehicles

Paul Lockley – VP Sales, EMEA In the ever-evolving landscape of transportation, the emergence of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) presents a promising shift towards safer, greener, and more accessible mobility solutions. However, as we embark on this transformative journey, it’s imperative to address the ethical considerations inherent in the development and deployment of CAVs.

How Secure Software Updates Can Prevent Cyber Attacks on Connected Devices

Regularly updating the software on your connected devices is essential to keep them secure from cyber-attacks. To maintain security, it is crucial to install software updates that often contain important security patches that fix vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit. Without these updates, your devices could be at risk of being hacked. Keeping software up to date is vital for cybersecurity and performance, ensuring your devices are protected against vulnerabilities and run efficiently.

Learn about the top five types of cyber security

In today's digitally-driven world, safeguarding sensitive information is more crucial than ever. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, understanding the different facets of cybersecurity is essential for individuals and organizations alike. In this blog, we'll delve into the top five types of cybersecurity measures that form the backbone of a robust defense strategy. From network security to cloud security, each type plays a pivotal role in protecting data, ensuring privacy, and maintaining the integrity of systems against malicious attacks.

Enhancing Secure Data Transmission in the IoT Era: Best Practices

In the era of IoT, secure data transmission is crucial to protect your information. Ensuring your data is secure helps prevent unauthorised access to sensitive data and maintains the integrity of your communications. Various secure data transmission methods are essential to protect your information from unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of your communications. Here are key reasons why secure data transmission in the IoT era is important.