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Uncovering the powers of Cloud SOAR's Open Integration Framework

The speed at which security operations are processed and data is consumed is moving at a dazzling pace. This is why flexibility, customizability, and user-friendliness are deemed as core pillars of next-gen security solutions. And it is exactly what Cloud SOAR’s Open Integration Framework is all about.

Open Source Risk Management in the Financial Sector

Banking has changed. In the past, financial institutions outsourced their technology. They had large consulting firms creating, managing, and maintaining their back-end systems. Although banks would have knowledge of the systems in place, they wouldn’t be running them on a day-to-day basis. That was the consultants’ responsibility. Recent years have seen a significant shift in the financial sector.

AppSec Decoded: Key findings from the 2021 OSSRA report

In this episode of AppSec Decoded, we discuss the major open source trends identified within the 2021 OSSRA report. The explosive growth of open source is not new. Developers have been using this collaborative method of building software applications to meet the market demands for quality and speed for many years. Synopsys has conducted research on trends in open source usage with commercial applications since 2015.

Managing license compliance with Black Duck SCA

Black Duck provides a comprehensive SCA solution for managing security, quality, and license compliance risks associated with open source use. Given today’s development trends, your organization is undoubtedly leaning heavily on open source in any number of ways. According to Synopsys’ annual Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) report.

How To Build A Secure Open Source API Program

API security is one of the most important aspects of cybersecurity. The rise of new technologies like microservices, cloud-native applications, IoT devices, single-page applications, serverless, and mobile has led to increased use of APIs. Any internal application elements are now APIs connecting with one other through a network. A game API lets your applications and web services communicate with one another and share information such as rules, settings, specs, and data.

Key Takeaways for Developers From SOSS v11: Open Source Edition

Our latest State of Software Security: Open Source Edition report just dropped, and developers will want to take note of the findings. After studying 13 million scans of over 86,000 repositories, the report sheds light on the state of security around open source libraries – and what you can do to improve it. The key takeaway? Open source libraries are a part of pretty much all software today, enabling developers to work faster and smarter, but they’re not static.

Reduce open source software risks in your supply chain

Knowing what’s in your open source software, whether you’re a consumer or producer, can help you manage security risks in your supply chain Modern open source software (OSS) is a movement that started in the eighties as a reaction to commercial software becoming more closed and protected. It allowed academics, researchers, and hobbyists to access source code that they could reuse, modify, and distribute openly.

How an open source software audit works

Open source software audits can identify undetected issues in your codebase. Learn how our audit services can help you understand the risks during an M&A. Most of our clients understand that an open source software audit differs from an automated scan. An audit involves expert consultants analyzing a proprietary codebase using a combination of Black Duck® commercial tools and tools we’ve developed and use internally.

Glaring Gap in Open Source Security: Veracode Finds 80 percent of Libraries Used in Software Are Never Updated

Despite inherent risks of open source code, good software security posture still lacking. 69 percent of fixes are minor and won't break functionality of even the most complex software applications.