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Vendor Risk: The Hidden Challenge of GDPR Compliance

The European Union’s GDPR regulations go into effect in May of this year. In essence, GDPR is a strict data privacy code that holds companies responsible for securing the data they store and process. Although GDPR was approved in April 2016, companies affected by the regulations are still struggling to reach compliance by the May 2018 deadline.

GDPR - Data Processing EU Data as a US Business

Due to the growing and ever-changing digital market, the EU took a major step to protect EU citizens’ personal data and privacy rights in today’s digital world. From proposal to adoption, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took over four years to become law regulating the data collection and security during processing and movement of personal data of EU citizens. The GDPR is applicable in all EU markets/countries, including by association, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK.