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Cyber Security Vs. Information Security: The Key Differences

While cyber security and information security are generally used as synonyms, there are key differences that need to be understood. A good place to start is with data security. Data security is about securing data. Not every bit of data is information. Data becomes information when it is interpreted in context and given meaning. An example: 061580 is data and it becomes information when we know it's a date of birth. Information is data with meaning.

For mid-sized enterprises to win the cybersecurity race, the game needs to change

Why does AT&T Cybersecurity get me so excited on behalf of the mid-sized enterprises that make up the bulk of business around the globe? Well, one example I like to share is from a bicycle manufacturer I had the pleasure of visiting a few years ago. As a cycling enthusiast myself, I know these manufacturers are true experts, with deep knowledge and passion for the businesses they run and technology they develop.

Exposed internal database reveals vulnerable unpatched systems at Honda

Automotive giant Honda has shut down an exposed database that contained sensitive information about the security — specifically the weak points — of its internal network. Security researcher Justin Paine discovered the sensitive information after scouring the internet with Shodan, a specialist search engine which can be used to find exposed internet-enabled devices such as webcams, routers and IP phones.

WaterISAC: 15 Security Fundamentals You Need to Know

Digital attacks targeting water facilities are on the rise. In its 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report, for instance, Verizon Enterprise disclosed an incident in which bad actors breached a water treatment plant and altered the levels of chemicals used to treat tap water at that facility. News of this incident came approximately two years after the ONWASA water facility revealed it had suffered a ransomware attack that had disrupted its internal computer system in the wake of Hurricane Florence.

Major Breaches That Highlight The Importance of Visibility in The Workplace

Rapidly detecting an incident can be the difference between the survival or closure of a company after a cybersecurity breach. The longer it takes to detect, the more costly it becomes, and visibility plays a vital role in that process. As companies struggle to detect the foul play, contain the incident and coordinate response, without adequate enterprise visibility, the extent of the damage is likely to increase.

The ultimate guide to VPN encryption, protocols, and ciphers

Introduced to the market nearly two decades ago, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are a uniquely enduring cornerstone of modern security. Most large organizations still employ a VPN solution to facilitate secure remote access, while millions of consumers rely on similar products to bolster their online privacy, secure public Wi-Fi connections, and circumvent site blocks. By now, most of us know that a VPN assigns us a new IP address and transmits our online traffic through an encrypted tunnel.

What is Information Risk Management?

Information Risk Management (IRM) is a form of risk mitigation through policies, procedures, and technology that reduces the threat of cyber attacks from vulnerabilities and poor data security and from third-party vendors. Data breaches have massive, negative business impact and often arise from insufficiently protected data. In this article, we outline how you can think about and manage your cyber risk from an internal and external perspective.

The 6 Top Tips of Things to Do at Black Hat USA 2019

Are you going to Black Hat USA 2019? If you are, you’re no doubt counting down the days until 3-8 August when you can join the thousands upon thousands of security professionals at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. But if you’ve been to any of its other 21 iterations, you probably know that this conference can be a bit overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why it’s good to go in knowing all that you can do as an attendee.

Top 10 Anti-Phishing Best Practices

Messages are one of the most popular ways of communication today. Most organizations and firms accept that the simplest method for transferring data is through Emails. According to Business Matters, a leading business magazine in the UK, there are plenty of vital areas in the business world, but there aren’t many more essential or important than Emails.