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Create Instant, Scalable, and Cost-Effective Value for MSSP Customers

This blog was originally published on MSSP Alert on November 20, 2024. Imagine being able to offer your customers instant value for selecting your MSSP over others. This sounds like a tricky proposition, given that organizations seeking managed security solutions can be extremely diverse. What could a medical institution need that would also benefit an energy company? Where do the needs of a tech startup and a dairy farm intersect?

How Can MSSPs Respond to Vendor Competition?

Managed security service providers (MSSPs) must confront a worrying trend: More and more cybersecurity solutions vendors are developing—or acquiring—managed services offerings of their own. This places MSSPs in direct competition with the vendors on whose tools they depend. Large EDR/XDR providers like CrowdStrike, Palo Alto, and Check Point already have managed detection and response (MDR) services. And more large security firms are moving in this direction.

How Growing MSSPs Benefit from Tools with Public-Cloud Pricing

This blog was originally published on MSSP Alert on October 16, 2024. MSSPs want to grow—but the complexity of modern security operations (SecOps) and the unique demands of the security services market make this challenging. In this post, we’ll look at how tools with public cloud or public cloud-like pricing—pricing that is usage- or consumption-based rather than fixed fee or license-based—can help MSSPs grow more effectively and efficiently.

Threat Hunting in macOS with the SecOps Cloud Platform

The second most popular OS in today’s business environment, macOS, is often neglected in cybersecurity discussions. This is likely due to Windows OS holding a dominant share (72.1%) of the global workstation market and Linux (4.03%) running critical parts of IT infrastructure. This often leaves macOS excluded from the conversation.

As Security Budgets Cool, CISO's Warm Up to New Ideas

Security spending is losing momentum with a third of CISOs reporting flat or reduced budgets this year. These numbers come from a recent annual survey of 755 cybersecurity decision-makers conducted by IANS Research. Decreased spending in the face of growing cyberattacks put pressure on security leaders to find better ways to optimize their processes. Fortunately, CISOs are discovering solutions for this problem by following the tried-and-true tactics of simplification, consolidation, and innovation.

Platformization in cybersecurity: Dueling visions for the future of security

The platform approach in cybersecurity is gaining traction. However, it’s becoming clear that two very different models of platformization are in play. In this piece, we’ll talk about platformization in cybersecurity, the two major approaches to security platforms, and what it all means for the future of cybersecurity.