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Cloud Migration: Moving Your Security Mindset Along with Your Data

Migrating our data to the cloud to digitally transform and streamline your IT environment is easier than ever. Cloud security is in a place where it is stronger than on-premise security and The Big Three – AWS, Microsoft, and Google – have more access to resources and personnel than you can ever dream of. For infrastructure security, they’re the best. So why are so many companies still concerned with moving their data to the cloud?

The Chicken & Egg Secret Protection Problem in Micro-services

Alice keeps all her passwords in an Excel file on her desktop. However, she was told it is a very bad practice, since Eve can easily get access to the computer, read the file,and access Alice passwords and accounts. To enhance her security, Alice got a password protection software, KeePass, and she now saves all her passwords safely there – except for her KeePass password, which Alice keeps in an Excel file on her desktop. ‍Good news for Eve...