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How the Intersection of Technology and Patient Care Creates Security Challenges

The digital transformation of healthcare, involving patients, staff, doctors, and technology, presents significant challenges to security teams in terms of skills and capacity. This challenge can be seen in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights which reported 609 data breaches with more than 500 records being compromised in 2021.

New Rilide Stealer Version Targets Banking Data and Works Around Google Chrome Manifest V3

Trustwave SpiderLabs discovered a new version of the Rilide Stealer extension targeting Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Opera. This malware uses a creative way to work around the Chrome Extension Manifest V3 from Google which is aimed at blocking the installation of malicious extensions for chromium browsers.

Honeypot Recon: New Variant of SkidMap Targeting Redis

Since Redis is becoming increasingly popular around the world, we decided to investigate attacks on the Redis instance. We didn’t have to wait long for the first results of the Honeypot. The trap caught an activity about which the Western world does not hear too often while analyzing SkidMap. More importantly, this variant turned out to be a new, improved, dangerous variation of the malware. Its level of sophistication surprised us quite a bit.

Using Asset Management to Keep a Cloud Environment Secure

In modern network environments focused on cloud technology, organizations have undergone a significant transformation in the development and deployment of their IT assets. The introduction of cloud technology has simplified and expedited the deployment process, but it often lacks centralized change management. The cloud's shared responsibility model enables quick deployment and scaling but can pose security risks if not properly managed and understood.

CEO Fraud Scams and How to Deal With Them at the Email Gateway

Email scams known as "CEO Fraud" are very common right now. They are a type of "Business Email Compromise" (BEC). There have been numerous recent cases reported in the media, and we too, are seeing many reports by our customers. One customer described these attacks as 'rampant'. The US FBI recently put the estimate of losses in 2015 associated with BEC frauds in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

SEC: Public Companies Must Disclose Material Cybersecurity Incidents Within 4 Days

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new rules for cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident disclosure by public companies on July 26, requiring public companies to disclose material cybersecurity incidents within four days of an attack. Additionally, registrants must annually report their process, if any, for assessing, identifying, and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats.

Healthcare Threat Landscape 2022-2023: Common TTPs Used by Top Ransomware Groups Targeting the Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector has been under constant threat from cybercriminals due to the sensitive nature of patient data and the valuable information held by healthcare providers. This blog analyzes the ransomware landscape for the healthcare sector for the years 2022-2023. This report uses data compiled for the recently released Trustwave SpiderLabs research: Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Industry: Actionable Intelligence for an Active Threat Landscape report.

Attack Surface Management: Challenges, Myths, and Solutions

In the modern era of interconnectedness and digitalization, the risk of cyber threats has increased in complexity and persistence. Organizations must adopt a proactive and strategic approach to security to safeguard their assets and minimize the likelihood of cyberattacks. One essential strategy in this regard is attack surface management. It enables businesses to identify and address potential vulnerabilities and exposures comprehensively.

Trustwave Partners With Tech Advisory Firm Bridgepointe

Trustwave has achieved supplier status with Bridgepointe, a tech advisory firm that helps mid-market and enterprise companies transform tech investments into unrivaled business results. The Bridgepointe deals connects Trustwave to Bridgepointe’s expansive network to provide Trustwave security consulting, managed detection and response, threat hunting, co-managed SOC, database security, and email security services to their set of clients.