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Security awareness training explained

Cyberattacks are an almost daily occurrence for many IT and security professionals, and there are a host of different security solutions in the marketplace today that look to help companies detect and prevent those attacks. However, despite all the technology organizations have in place, their users remain their weakest link. Phishing is still one of the top initial attack vectors. Why?

Why misconfigurations are such an issue in your containers and Kubernetes

Organizations are increasingly incorporating containers and Kubernetes into their IT infrastructure. As reported by ZDNet, Flexera’s “2020 State of the Cloud Report” found that about two-thirds (65%) of organizations were using Docker and that another 14% intended to begin using it at some point. Slightly fewer organizations (58%) were using Kubernetes at the time of the survey, by comparison, with 22% of participants saying they planned to adopt it.

Why Your Org Needs DLP for Slack: Ensuring Long-Term Data Security

Cloud security requires long-term investments to get right. Today’s demands of remote work and collaboration across teams are forcing security leaders to make fast decisions about which business tools they should allow their orgs to adopt. Data loss prevention (DLP) is a good way to support cybersecurity policies that will safeguard sensitive data and perform at the highest levels of security over the long haul.

ELK - Not Just For The Nice Visitors

Most of the applications we see for the ELK stack are from businesses which want to improve their customers' experience. To return relevant search results and to create Kibana dashboards that allow them to analyse data and give the customers what they want. But there are some cases where the customer is always wrong, and where the last thing you want to do is give a site visitor what he wants. Welcome to the world of forensics, compliance and fraud detection.

BSIMM11 tracks top trends in market activity

If you want to stay current, you have to keep up with what’s trending, no matter if it’s politics, healthcare, education, finance, or entertainment. Or software security, which in a connected world is behind everything on that list above. Software isn’t just important, it’s essential. The world as we know it wouldn’t function or even exist without it.

Cyber safety tips for virtual events

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of video chat software like Zoom has increased to 300 million meetings held per day. Unfortunately, hackers have taken to crashing private meetings and flooding them with objectionable content — a phenomenon known as Zoombombing. If you’re planning a virtual event, it’s important to pay attention to potential security issues and follow safety tips to keep the experience as safe and secure as possible for everyone involved.

Focus on Fixing, Not Just Finding, Vulnerabilities

When investing in an application security (AppSec) program, you expect to see a return on your investment. But in order to recognize a return, your organization needs to determine what success looks like and find a way to measure and prove that the program is meeting your definition of success.

How CISOs Can Foster Effective Comms and Build a Cybersecurity Program

For many organizations, security flows from the top down. That’s a problem when executives don’t emphasize security as much as they should. Cisco learned as much in its CISO Benchmark Study “Securing What’s Now and What’s Next20 Cybersecurity Considerations for 2020.” Here are just some of the findings from Cisco’s study: The reason for these findings wasn’t immediately apparent from Cisco’s study.

2020 Data Governance Trends Report: New Risks, New Rewards of Remote Work

In August 2020, Egnyte partnered with Wakefield Research to survey 400 C-Level IT executives from across the U.S.* to understand how the remote work revolution is changing their governance strategies, and what they’re doing to get ahead of this sea change.