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Got Container Security? Make Sure to Secure Code and Supplemental Components

Organizations face numerous primary threats and security concerns when it comes to their container environments. Those issues extend into their build environment, an area which organizations need to protect because it’s usually the least secure aspect of their container infrastructure. They also extend into other areas, including inside the containers themselves.

Communication: A Significant Cultural Change for Embracing DevOps

Organizations can reap huge rewards by switching to a DevOps software development model. Some enterprises don’t know how to make the change. Recognizing that fact, I’ve spent the past few weeks discussing the benefits of a DevOps model, outlining how organizations can plan their transition, identifying common problems that companies commonly encounter and enumerating steps for a successful conversion. Of course, organizations aren’t finished once they’ve fully embraced DevOps.

Securing the Build Environment: A 'Critical' Component of Container Security

As I noted in a previous article, the build environment is a key area on which organizations should focus their container security efforts. Companies don’t usually think of the build environment when it comes to securing their containers. But it’s critical that they do.

8 Steps for a Successful DevOps Transition

Organizations stand to gain a lot from transitioning to a DevOps software development model. Switching to DevOps leads to quicker problem solving, increased employee engagement, and more time for innovation. That’s assuming a transition is successful, however. Enterprises can run into various problems along the way, including inadequately measured risk, which could spell trouble down the road. Fortunately, none of these problems are inevitable if you approach the DevOps transition methodically.

2 Strategies to Tighten Your Cloud Security

Creating a thorough and effective security program is difficult enough when your data is stored on-premises. But most organizations and agencies straddle hybridized on-prem and cloud environments—or they’re cloud-native entirely. This complicates the role of cybersecurity teams who now need tools that can traverse multiple environments without missing a beat.

Study: DevOps Servers In The Wild Highlight Infrastructure Security Needs

A mature DevOps practice involves applying multiple tools at different steps of the delivery pipeline, and a new study from IntSights focuses on these tools that may be open to attack on the Internet. Each new tool added to your process can expand your attack surface area – and, in many cases, new development and delivery tools are being used without oversight from a security team.

Securing GitHub Permissions with UpGuard

GitHub is a popular online code repository used by over 26 million people across the world for personal and enterprise uses. GitHub offers a way for people to collaborate on a distributed code base with powerful versioning, merging, and branching features. GitHub has become a common way to outsource the logistics of managing a code base repository so that teams can focus on the coding itself.