Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2023

How to choose the right XDR provider for your organization?

eXtended Detection and Response (XDR) technology has transformed the cybersecurity paradigm by enhancing visibility and threat detection, providing unprecedented response capabilities. It is a tool capable of monitoring the different security layers of a company, generating a single pane that unifies the detections produced in these layers.

XDR vs SIEM: Cost-Efficient Cyber Security for Today's Decision Makers

CISOs and IT leaders are tasked with the critical responsibility of safeguarding their organisations against an ever-increasing array of threats, all while striving to optimise costs and drive business growth. CISOs are grappling with the demand to achieve more with limited resources this year—a challenge that many have not encountered before.

Falcon Platform Raptor Release

The next generation of the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform re-architects the platform using the same technology as CrowdStrike’s Next-Gen SIEM to unlock the future of generative AI and XDR for all. This enables you to perform lightning fast searches to hunt for threats and ingest data from sources from across your entire enterprise to detect sophisticated attacks.