Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2023

Detect unknown network threats with Calico Cloud Honeypods

Based on the well-known cybersecurity method, “honeypots”, Calico Cloud runtime security approach of Honeypods as decoy pods are designed to attract traffic to them from malicious sources and to detect suspicious activity within a Kubernetes cluster.

Black Hat NOC USA 2023: Leveraging Corelight's Open NDR Platform for Network Operations (NetOps)

In this blog, I’ll share a few NetOps observations of the Black Hat network that I made during my time serving in the Black Hat Network Operations Center (NOC). My hope in doing so is to spark some ideas on how you can use an existing tool like Zeek for a new purpose. These insights were particularly revealing, despite not being linked to any security incidents.

Top 10 Fraud Detection Solutions for 2024

It’s natural to want to believe that every new account creation or online purchase signals the legitimate growth of your business. But the alarming rise in financial and data losses attributed to fraud, suggests a different reality. There are thousands of bad actors actively looking to nickel and dime businesses and consumers. In 2022, a staggering 2.4 million fraud reports flooded the Consumer Sentinel Record.