Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2020

Elastic SIEM is free and open for security analysts everywhere

Security teams must protect attack surfaces that are becoming bigger and more distributed due to the growth of remote work, cloud infrastructure, and other dynamics. These teams understand that meeting this challenge at scale requires the successful incorporation of the appropriate technology into their security operations program.

How Does Cryptography Work?

If you have been keeping up with the recent advancements in the cyber realm, you must have heard of cryptography. From popular films to ancient times, cryptography has always been discussed but gained much more significance in the recent years. Read our article and learn why! You must have done online shopping or created an account on a web platform before. While you are completing these tasks, you share sensitive and very valuable information.

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Covid-19: The importance of data & how it relates to Network Security

When China built an entire emergency hospital in a matter of days in Wuhan – a city about the size of NYC that most of us had never heard of – the world was watching with concern, but somehow still expected and hoped that the crisis would somehow remain contained to China, or at least Asia. People in Europe and the U.S.

How SIEM is evolving in 2020

The evolution of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is deeply intertwined with cloud computing, both in terms of technological breakthroughs the cloud provided and from its inherent security challenges. With the rise of cloud computing, we no longer rely on long-lived resources. An ephemeral infrastructure obscures the identity of the components and, even if you do have the visibility it doesn’t necessarily mean you can comprehend the meaning behind the components.

CASB vs Cloud SIEM for SaaS Security

Today’s businesses spend more money on SaaS tools than on laptops. On average, today’s employees use a minimum of eight different SaaS tools. The security implications of this robust cloud landscape cannot be neglected and we trust you are fully aware of it already. As an IT leader, you are responsible for keeping your company’s cloud infrastructure secure, but with the multitude of cloud apps businesses use on a daily basis, you have less and less control of that security landscape.

ManageEngine named in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management four years running!

The cybersecurity market is ever-changing and primarily driven by sophisticated cyberattacks, disruptive technological growth, and stringent data protection regulations like the GDPR and CCPA. We are constantly evolving our solutions to meet these dynamic market needs. We believe our recognition in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for security information and event management (SIEM) for the fourth consecutive time proves that our efforts have been channeled in the right direction.

Elastic SIEM for home and small business: SIEM overview

Hello, security enthusiasts! This is part seven (can you believe it?) of the Elastic SIEM for home and small business blog series. If you haven’t read the first six blogs in the series, you may want to before going any further. In the prerequisite blogs we created our Elasticsearch Service deployment (part 1), secured access to our cluster by restricting privileges for users and Beats (part 2), then we created an ingest pipeline for GeoIP data and reviewed our Beats configurations (part 3).