Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2023

Q&A Chat with Eyal Webber-Zvik on Cato RBI

Today Cato Networks announced the addition of the Cato RBI to our Cato SASE Cloud platform. It is an exciting day for us and for our customers. Why? Because Cato’s cloud-native, security stack just got better, and without any added complexity. I sat down with Eyal Webber-Zvik, Vice President of Product Marketing and Strategic Alliances at Cato Networks, and asked him to provide his perspective on what is Cato RBI and what this means for Cato’s customers.

Waseda University Enables Universal Secure Remote Learning and Digital Transformation with Cato

“I see Cato SASE as a tool for digital transformation promotion. We can use it to reorganize our entire security portfolio, reduce costs, and bring out the best in our students, professors, and administrators. Being able to work productively and securely anywhere gives a great boost to all our digital transformation initiatives.” - Hitoshi Kusunoki, Information Planning Department, Waseda University.