Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2025

How PAM Reduces Cybersecurity Risks in Remote Work Environments

When organizations adopt remote work, they face increased cybersecurity risks. Privileged Access Management (PAM) helps mitigate these risks by reducing the attack surface, minimizing insider threats, and providing enhanced visibility and monitoring capabilities. Continue reading to learn the cybersecurity risks unique to remote work environments and how PAM helps address them.

Managing Security and Compliance in a Remote Work Environment

Remote work isn’t just a temporary trend anymore; it has become a permanent fixture. What began as a quick response during the pandemic has evolved into the new normal for businesses worldwide. In America, 20% of people now work from home. While this has its advantages (flexibility for workers and cost savings for businesses), it’s not without its complications, having cracked open a host of issues around cybersecurity and regulatory compliance.