Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2022

Scale and mature your AppSec program with a managed services partner

A managed services partner should do more than run the tests you choose. The right partner will work with you to shape your application security program. If your firm has attempted to hire internal security experts lately, you know they’re few and far between.

Better Together: The Power of Managed Cybersecurity Services in the Face of Pressing Global Security Challenges

The results from the 2021 Global Security Attitude Survey paint a bleak picture of how organizations globally are feeling about the cybersecurity landscape before them. Organizations are grappling with shortages of cybersecurity skills and a lack of capability to detect and contain intrusions in a timely way.

MDR or MSSP? A Comparison Guide

In today's hyper-connected world, cyberattack risks have never been more pronounced. Threat actors continue to develop malicious, ingenious tricks and techniques to stay one step ahead of security systems and response specialists. As a result, a more focused and proactive approach to detecting, investigating, and responding to threats is required. In this guide, we break down the comparison between Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and Managed Security Services (MSS) and how to determine what to look for in providers.