Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

How to Build a Solid Incident Response Team

In today's increasingly digitized world, nearly every aspect of our personal and corporate lives is connected to the internet, making cyber security an essential component of ensuring the safety and security of our organizations and all of our professional activities. One of the most important steps you can take to protect your organization's cybersecurity posture and respond to incidents quickly and effectively is creating a solid cybersecurity incident response team.

Understanding the Incident Response Life Cycle

With the growing digitalization of businesses, the threat of cyber-attacks has become a reality for organizations of all sizes. It's vital for companies to be aware and proactive in understanding how to detect, respond to, and recover from cyber-attacks as technology becomes increasingly integrated into daily business operations.

How Proactive Investments in Security Operations Improve Breach Readiness and Response Capabilities

Security teams need to continually bolster their cybersecurity controls and expertise to keep up with the evolving threat landscape. Successful readiness and response to a cybersecurity breach requires the right mix of people, processes and technology. Yet challenges with staffing, technical issues, and budget hamper threat detection and response for too many organizations, creating gaps that threat actors are eager to exploit.

How to Strategically Scale Your SOC Response with Automation - Webinar

SOC teams have to operationalize greater amounts of data from more diverse sources than ever before. Operationalizing that data for greater security requires scaling teams and automating processes—both of which are consistently named as the most challenging aspects of managing a SOC. @ESGglobal and @torq_io explore real-world survey responses from IT and cybersecurity professionals around the opportunities and challenges they face and look at the ways that no-code security automation platforms like Torq can help them overcome many of the biggest obstacles.

Why the quickest response is not always the best in cybersecurity

The need for fast incident response is a given. No industry professional would deny how critical a rapid response is when dealing with a cyber threat and an incident. However, it is equally important to understand that the quickest response is not always the best in cybersecurity. Security operations centers (SOCs) and organizations must factor in other variables, too, when preparing for the inevitable, as recent cyber stats suggest.

Introducing Arctic Wolf Incident Response

Our mission at Arctic Wolf is to end cyber risk, and our North Star on that mission is the NIST security operations framework. Spanning five functions (Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover), the NIST framework offers guidelines and best practices that when followed, allow an organization to both reduce the likelihood and the impact of cyber-attacks.