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September 2021

Slack Security: FERPA and HIPAA Compliance

During the pandemic, healthcare and education providers scrambled to adapt to providing services remotely, using tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Zoom to continue connecting with patients and students. McKinsey tracked a spike in the use of telehealth solutions in April 2020 that was 78 times higher than in February 2020. And, by some estimates, more than 1.2 billion children worldwide were impacted by school closures due to the pandemic — some of whom were able to learn remotely.

DLP Can Be So Much More Than Compliance

When you think about your DLP approach, what immediately comes to mind? Is it primarily centered around compliance? Is it simply using vendor-provided patterns of interest to satisfy an industry-specific framework like PCI, PII, or GDPR? Chances are, this probably describes at least some part of your DLP strategy because it is not difficult to set up and can satisfy a key business requirement of regulatory compliance reporting.

A Guide to Cloud Data Security Best Practices

Cloud computing has revolutionized the business and technological landscape of the last decade. More organizations are turning to cloud services to better manage massive volumes of both structured and unstructured data on a daily basis. As organizations move more and more information and applications to the cloud, there are growing concerns for data security and regulatory compliance.

Databases, a hot spot for data leakage

With businesses becoming ever more data-driven and data-reliant, databases have become their default digital asset storehouse, providing immense benefits of organisation, retrievability, and analytical insight. Covid-19 and the move to remote or hybrid work have only intensified the demand for databases, particularly those distributed through cloud technology. But that concentration of information, however convenient, makes databases a singular target for attacks and a primary security concern.

Cybersecurity for SMEs - applying a Data-centric lens

For an SME, a data breach, or loss, is life or death. Large enterprises can invest in data security solutions before a cyberattack happens and spend the money afterward on ransoms, penalties, and fines. While the number of small businesses facing data breaches continues to rise, a majority of SME owners do not believe they will fall victim to a cyberattack. This mismatch in reality and perception is exposing the most vulnerable of us to unnecessary risk.

Nightfall for Google Drive, now with remediation

Nightfall has added remediation actions for Google Drive violations, so you can fix the issue automatically or with just a click. Nightfall for Google Drive is one of our most popular integrations, helping customers to discover and classify sensitive data across Google Drive. Once sensitive data violations are found to exist in Google Drive, you want to take steps to protect the data – because removing the risk is really the point, isn’t it?

Backing up 10,000 SQL Server Databases in a Lazy Afternoon

Customers using Microsoft SQL Server tend to grow horizontally in terms of the number of databases. For recent versions of SQL Server, the max number of databases you can have on a single instance is 32,767 and it is common to see customers push that limit. At Rubrik, we have run into several customers who approach 10,000 databases on a single host. As SQL Server accelerates the push into the enterprise segment, one needs to address the problem of managing and protecting these servers at scale.

Data Security Summit- Mike Tornincasa and Kevin Mandia

The first 24 hours after a major security incident are critical to keeping your business up and running. What can you do to protect your organization’s valuable data and critical IT assets in the event of a ransomware attack? Come listen to Kevin Mandia, Mandiant CEO and security expert to learn best practices that IT leaders can put into practice today. Hear about the successes (and failures) of other organizations, and how your team can avoid being a victim.

2021 SecureAge COVID & cybersecurity study

In 2021 SecureAge surveyed 1,000 US-based respondents (400+ employers; 600+ employees), 600 UK-based respondents (200+ employers; 400+ employees), and 300 Japan-based respondents (100+ employers; 200+ employees) to find out more about cybersecurity concerns during the pandemic and what has been done to prepare for the future. The study, conducted between July and August 2021, revealed new cybersecurity trends as well as how businesses have and have not adapted.

Data Security Summit 2021 Recap

Is your data safe from ransomware attacks? Hear from security leaders from both the private and public sectors to learn why network, perimeter, and application security isn’t enough. Learn about new cyber/ransomware threats, how ransomware impacts every layer of your organization from board decisions to shareholder value, and how you can survive an attack without paying the ransom.

SECUDE Extends Data-centric Security Across PLM and Multi-CAD Integrations

LUCERNE, SEPTEMBER 2021: SECUDE, a leading Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions provider based on Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP) today announced that its flagship product HALOCAD® extends data-centric security across PLM and Multi-CAD integrations.

The Essential Guide to Content Moderation

According to a recent CNBC report, Google has seen a rise in posts flagged for racism or abuse on its message boards. This has caused the company to ask its employees to take a more active role in moderating internal message boards. That’s one way to handle content moderation. But, it also takes an employee’s time and attention away from higher-value tasks. Many companies address instances of internal harassment through training and stronger HR policies.

The biggest threat to modern society - and its not Covid

5G robots began their first scouts around Singapore’s luxury neighbourhood Keppel Bay last month - a trend that will spread globally in the years to come. These autonomous robots came in several forms, and were adapted specifically for a variety of duties that gave ground staff a chance to perform their duties via proxy, away from the hot tropical sun. This included monitoring water quality, garbage collection, and security surveillance.

What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP) And How Does It Work

Every year, business owners grapple with the same question: how can I keep my data safe? One survey found that 47% of small business owners found data security to be their biggest challenge; a further 42% said preventing data loss was also keeping them up at night. Data loss prevention is a clear priority for enterprises of all sizes.

CISO Insider - S2E7 - Season 2 recap

Today on CISO Insider it’s our season 2 recap episode, featuring the best quotes and highlights from our six episodes in season 2. We gathered insights, lessons, and other valuable soundbites from CISOs and security leaders at Even Financial, Segment, MongoDB, One Main Financial, and Datadog. Hear from our brilliant guests and make sure to catch their episodes featuring our full interviews for a deep dive into cybersecurity, leadership, and much more.

Framework for a Comprehensive Ransomware Recovery Plan

Let's face it, recent ransomware attacks have caught many IT professionals off guard. Reason being is they honestly didn't have adequate plans in place. And it's not totally their fault. The ransomware attacks of today are far more sophisticated. Which means you need an equally sophisticated, yet easy to implement plan in place to survive and recover. In this whitepaper, Framework for a Comprehensive Ransomware Recovery Plan, we give you the tools to develop your own ransomware recovery playbook.

Protecting Unstructured Data

Most of the collective data fueling today's technological and scientific advances consists of unstructured data files - trillions of them. Large files, medium files, and small files are stored on NAS systems, Unix servers, Windows servers, and public cloud platforms. And the number of individual files behind these innovations continue to increase at an exponential rate. Download this ebook and learn how to enhance visibility, protection, and mobility at petabyte scale for your unstructured data.

Evaluating encryption with the NIST Protect framework

A variety of cyber security frameworks exist to help organisations in different sectors to go about IT security in a rigorous and controlled manner. To name a few, there's ISO IEC 27001/ISO 27002, the US NIST Cyber security Framework and the UK NIS Regulations Cyber Assessment Framework. The frameworks are an excellent way to help formalise the process of implementing and maintaining effective cyber security strategies through defined structures containing processes, practices, and technologies which companies can use to secure network and computer systems from security threats.

Using Transparent Encryption to Defeat 12 Common Data Breaches

Securing the network perimeter has long since been recognised as insufficient. With today's environment of local networks, networked devices and cloud applications, organisations use security techniques such as Zero Trust, the Software Defined Perimeter and Microsegmentation to cope. These approaches and related technologies are designed to block unauthorised access to data containers, i.e. files. Control over access to files is the new security perimeter.