Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2024

Voices from Validate: The Role of Breach & Attack Simulation in Cybersecurity Testing

Security teams have a wide range of tools in their arsenal to combat cybersecurity threats, but the expanding attack surface and the sheer number of tools can make their jobs more difficult to manage. As we enter this new era of cybersecurity, security and risk management, leaders are focused on validating the efficacy of their security investments, improving ROI, and taking a more programmatic approach in order to enhance their efficiency.

How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

You can protect yourself from identity theft by safeguarding your Social Security number and other sensitive documents, regularly reviewing your credit reports, using a dark web monitoring tool and not oversharing online. Identity theft occurs when someone steals and uses your sensitive documents unbeknownst to you to gain money or access to your confidential information. Examples of sensitive documents include Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information and passport numbers.

Do You Have Multiple Compromised Passwords? Here's What To Do.

A password is compromised when it’s leaked in a data breach and made available on the dark web, allowing others to gain unauthorized access to your online accounts. This risk not only arises from a data breach; your passwords can also be compromised in a phishing attack or if you don’t store your passwords securely. Dealing with multiple compromised passwords can be scary and stressful, but luckily there are steps you can take to protect your online accounts.

TracFone Breach Underscores Critical Need for Mobile Carrier API Security

The recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) settlement with TracFone Wireless, Inc. (TracFone) for $16 million highlights a critical vulnerability within the mobile telecommunications industry: API security. The investigation revealed unauthorized access to customer data through weaknesses in TracFone's mobile carrier APIs. This incident reminds mobile carriers to prioritize robust API security measures to safeguard customer data and ensure network integrity.

Massive Cyberattack on Mobile Guardian Wipes Data from Thousands of Student Devices

In a recent cybersecurity incident, a hacker breached Mobile Guardian, a widely used digital classroom management platform, and remotely wiped data from at least 13,000 student devices. Mobile Guardian, a partner of 'Google for Education,' offers comprehensive device management, secure web filtering, classroom management, and communication solutions for K-12 schools worldwide.

Top Identity Threats Your Organization Faces

Two major organizations breached in 2023 — MGM Resorts and 23andMe — have one part of their hacks in common: identity. Initial access in the 23andMe breach came from credential stuffing, and it was a lack of access control that allowed the threat actors to move deeper into the organization, ultimately exfiltrating data from millions of user accounts.

How to tell if your organization's credentials have been involved in a breach

Stolen credentials are the easiest route into your organization for a hacker. Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigation Report found that threat actors used stolen credentials in 49% of attempts to gain unauthorized access to organizations. The problem IT teams face is knowing when credentials have been stolen or leaked in a breach – otherwise you’re waiting to respond to a security issue rather than handling it proactively.