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January 2024

SYN Flood Attack: The What, Impact, and Prevention Methods

The Mirai Botnet, famous for massive DDoS attacks, used SYN flood techniques to hack 600,000 IoT devices. Targets like KrebsOnSecurity, Lonestar cell, and Dyn. The impact cascaded across key service providers that relied on Dyn’s services, affecting entities such as Sony Playstation servers, Amazon, GitHub, Netflix, PayPal, Reddit, and Twitter.

What Is a Botnet?

A botnet is a network of infected devices known as bots, which are controlled by a single attacking party known as a bot herder. Botnets are made up of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as computers, mobile devices, network routers and smart TVs. Botnets are used to carry out time-consuming cyber activities such as managing online chatrooms or tracking internal data. However, cybercriminals can use botnets for malicious purposes such as launching large-scale cyber attacks and stealing sensitive data.

The Botnet siege: How your toaster could topple a corporation

In addition to the overt signs of cyber threats we've become conditioned to recognize, like ransomware emails and strange login requests, malicious actors are now utilizing another way to achieve their nefarious purposes — by using your everyday devices. These hidden dangers are known as botnets. Unbeknownst to most, our everyday devices, from toasters to smart fridges, can unwittingly be enlisted as footsoldiers in a digital army with the potential to bring down even corporate giants.