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June 2022

Kubernetes API Access Security Hardening.

In a Kubernetes cluster, Control Plane controls Nodes, Nodes control Pods, Pods control containers, and containers control applications. But what controls the Control Plane? Kubernetes exposes APIs that let you configure the entire Kubernetes cluster management lifecycle. Thus, securing access to the Kubernetes API is one of the most security-sensitive aspects to consider when considering Kubernetes security.

API attack types and mitigations

Stop, look, listen; lock, stock, and barrel; "Friends, Romans, Countrymen..." The 3 Little Pigs; Art has 3 primary colors; photography has the rule of thirds; the bands Rush and The Police; the movie The 3 Amigos. On and on it goes - "Omne trium perfectum" – “Everything that comes in threes is perfect.” While this article doesn’t provide perfection, we’ll focus on the top three API vulnerabilities (according to OWASP).

API security: 12 essential best practices to keep your data & APIs safe

If you don’t think API security is that important, think again. Last year, 91% of organizations had an API security incident. The proliferation of SOAP and REST APIs makes it easy for organizations to tailor their application ecosystems. But, APIs also hold the keys to all of a company’s data. And as data-centric projects become more in demand, it increases the likelihood of a target API attack campaign.

New functionality added to the Detectify API

Getting a complete overview of the growing attack surface is difficult. Regardless of how security is organised in your organisation, knowing what Internet-facing assets are exposed and if those assets are vulnerable across many different teams is no simple task. This is doubly true for security teams with dozens – or even hundreds! – of dev teams. We’ve now made it possible for customers on the Enterprise Plan to create and manage subteams through the Detectify API.

SANS Protects Web Applications and Services

Organizations have moved more of their infrastructure and services online to benefit employees and customers. However, as the usage of web applications has risen, security threats against them have also increased. This SANS podcast discusses the top threats to web applications and provides guidance on how to mitigate the biggest risks.