Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2024

Secure and Compliant CI/CD Pipelines with GitLab

In today’s fast-paced software development world, seamless, secure, and compliant CI/CD pipelines are critical for success. However, managing multiple tools and processes across development teams using traditional CI/CD solutions can lead to security vulnerabilities, compliance roadblocks, and hinder overall software delivery.

GitHub Advanced Security Features And Security In Jira

When it comes to software development, security is a necessary element. That is why we will analyze GitHub Advanced Security and how Jira supports this DevSecOps feature. GitHub Advanced Security brings a range of tools to the table, such as code scanning, secret scanning, and dependency review – customized to identify vulnerabilities before they escalate. Jira integrates project management, turning the complex task of tracking and managing security issues into a streamlined process.

NIS 2 explained: Security Compliance Path

The ever-evolving cybersecurity threat landscape make the competent authorities adapt to reality by establishing new security regulations and laws. According to Forbes Advisor in 2023, there were more than 2K cyberattacks with more than 340 million victims all around the world, which made a significant increase of 72 % in data breaches since 2021.