Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2024

Introducing Astra OrbitX: Continuous Security at Scale

Engineering Leaders are stretched thinner than ever, racing to deliver innovative products and scale operations while securing a complex digital ecosystem across the increasing perimeter of code, DevOps, compliance, and more. Remember the infamous MOVEit attacks that compromised nearly 2,000 organizations, from BBC and Harvard to local government agencies. Over 67 million individuals were affected, underscoring the devastating consequences of such breaches.

How to Build a Cyber Security Culture?

Cybersecurity is no longer an awareness issue but a strategic execution problem. In 2023, 96% of CEOs acknowledged cybersecurity’s importance for organizational growth, stability, and competitiveness, but only 15% had dedicated board meetings to discuss cybersecurity issues. This disconnect between awareness and action stems primarily from difficulty quantifying cybersecurity goals, investments, and return on investment (ROI), making it easier to overlook or, at best, an afterthought.