Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2023

Unveiling Java Library Vulnerabilities

During a recent customer engagement, we encountered an interesting situation. The customer had raised concerns about a Java XXE (XML External Entity) vulnerability that had left their developers puzzled. Notably, their Static Application Security Testing (SAST) scans consistently identified this as a potential vulnerability.

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How to Streamline Vulnerability Management

The current cyber world is a veritable minefield, with problems and dangers evolving at a rate that far outstrips the ability of most organizations to respond. More than merely a technical issue, an organization's security posture is determined by the quality of its vulnerability management.

Get Management Buy-in with AppSec Metrics

Getting management to back your application security plans can be a tough sell. Metrics are vital because they help you understand how effective your initial cybersecurity measures are and how to turn them into measurable data that's easy for everyone to understand. This article will explore how to use metrics to get the support you need and make your application security programs more effective.