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May 2024

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Why a Zero Trust Approach is Essential to Mitigate the Threat of Unsecured APIs

With the move to hybrid working, the rapid adoption of cloud, increased use of mobile and IoT devices, combined with the ongoing drive to modernise and transform IT operations, the attack surface of every organisation has - and continues to - expand. Traditional boundaries have been blurred between businesses, suppliers, partners, customers, workers, and even home-life, with this ecosystem continuing to grow. Here, APIs are providing the connective tissue for modern applications and legacy infrastructure to co-exist. However, this means that the API attack surface is also rapidly expanding.
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The Role of APIs within Large Language Models and the Shift Towards a Multi-LLM World

With the arrival of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, BERT, Llama, and Granite, the operational dynamics within the enterprise sector have significantly changed. LLMs introduce unique efficiencies, paving the way for innovative business solutions. LLMs currently stand at the forefront of technological advancement, offering enterprises the tools to automate complex processes, enhance customer experiences, and obtain actionable insights from large datasets.

Why Insurers Need Visibility Into API Risks

Why is API security crucial for insurance companies? Consider what happens when disaster strikes, from an unfortunate car accident to damaged business equipment. Policyholders rely on mobile apps and online portals that collect information, open claims, and process them through automated workflows. Behind the scenes, an insurer’s APIs handle what amounts to a policyholder’s life story told in the form of data. These APIs exchange: This proximity to data is what makes APIs a significant risk.

Embed API Security Into Regulatory Compliance: Six Examples to Watch

Why have forty-four percent of enterprises been fined by regulators due to API security incidents? Regulators are beginning to see what attackers already know: exposed or misconfigured APIs are prevalent, easy to compromise, and often unprotected. Every time a customer, partner, or vendor engages with your business digitally, there’s an API behind the scenes facilitating a rapid exchange of data, often sensitive.

Noname Security Platform Updates: 3.30 Release

The latest Noname Security 3.30 update includes a new feature that allows for convenient tracking of attacker IP addresses, as well as improved options for triggering workflows to resolve attacks faster. Additionally, the process of installing Noname Remote Engine on local Kubernetes clusters has been simplified.