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November 2023

2023 API Security Trends for Energy and Utilities

As environmental consciousness increases across the globe, the pressure on energy and utilities companies continue to intensify. The global community now understands that how we create and access energy affects geopolitical dynamics, food sourcing, climate change and other concerns that will literally dictate the course of human history. To meet these challenges, the energy and utilities sector is now embracing digital transformation.

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APIs - The Hidden Cause of Data Breaches

APIs are unseen. They are not typically a technology that end users interact with directly and are somewhat hidden from their day-to-day activities. Therefore, user understanding of API vulnerabilities and the impact an API security incident could have, when it comes to data breaches, is often lacking. While data breaches are big news, what regularly isn't reported is the way in which some of these incidents happen. But the reality is that for many data breaches, the weak links, more often than not, are APIs and improper security around those APIs.

2023 API Security Trends for Government and Public Sector

It’s no secret that government agencies have a tendency to work in silos. If you aren’t familiar with the phrase, it basically means they work in isolation from one another. And if that posed issues before 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic definitely laid bare the need for greater collaboration between public sector organizations – the type of collaboration made possible by application programming interfaces (APIs).

What is API Authentication? - Definition, Implementation, and Security Strategies

API authentication is a combination of technology and process that proves or verifies the identities of users who want access to an API. Specifically, API authentication involves the use of a software protocol to verify that users are who they claim to be when a client makes an API call. API authentication solutions are usually set up to block access to an API if they detect something wrong with the user’s identity during the API call. It’s online verification of ID, a gatekeeping countermeasure that defends APIs from access by malicious actors. Remember, too, that in many cases, the API user is a machine, not a person.

Why Noname for API Security

More than 80% of today’s internet traffic consists of API-based communication, and as Forrester has noted, “As API traffic dominates, API attacks are ubiquitous.”1 While APIs are now essential for software interoperability, API security has not kept pace with staggering growth. Even the largest and most technically sophisticated organizations are vulnerable to API attacks and data breaches. Discover why 20% of the Fortune 500 choose Noname Security for API security.