Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2022

How to protect an account that has been hijacked before you register it

Account takeover fraud is not new but it is growing fast. By 2018, account takeover fraud accounted for losses of around $4 billion. In 2021, this figure increased by more than 200%, and as of today, it is estimated to exceed $12 billion. A recent paper published by Microsoft has revealed a new and disturbing way of compromising accounts where hackers hijack accounts before users register them. For instance, they create an account in Zoom or Dropbox using the user's credentials.

The 443 Podcast Episode 210 - An Uber Hack

This week on the podcast, we cover Uber's most recent security incident and the alleged individual behind it. After that, we dive into the world of gas station operational technology and potential security weaknesses in one tool. Finally, we end with a chat about the FBI CISO Academy and how the FBI as a whole is trying to reshape relationships with the private sector. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

Webinar: Keeping Up with the Threat Landscape - 22 September 2022

In order to stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries, you need to understand how they work. The modern threat landscape is constantly evolving as sophisticated threats emerge and quickly become commoditized. In this webinar, Marc Laliberte, director of security operations at WatchGuard, will give you a view of the latest threat landscape, including the attack tools and techniques you need to defend against.

8 cybersecurity practices for back-to-school classrooms

For the education sector, data security ranges from the need to protect devices to safeguarding the sensitive information and privacy of its users, including students, their parents, and the institution's staff. Taking into account the current context in which educational centers operate, which involves combining remote learning and in-person teaching, as well as the use of personal devices, we analyze the most common cybersecurity threats affecting the sector.

Insiders cause 20% of data breaches

Apart from external attackers, organizations need to consider another type of threat when planning their cybersecurity strategy: insider threats. There are different types of insiders. On the one hand, there are people who have secret knowledge and unintentionally create risk openings within an organization; and on the other, there are others who intend to cause harm, motivated by profit, extortion, or personal grievance. This means insiders can be classified as follows.

Endpoint protection offers an anti-ransomware measure for legal firms

For legal professionals, digital transformation also delivers significant benefits. Integrating technologies such as e-signatures, automating contract creation, Cloud-based collaboration tools, AI-powered documents, clause and contract review tools, and Cloud-based services are boosting the competitiveness of law firms in the post-pandemic world. However, these technological advantages for legal professionals can be threatened through exposure to cybercrime.

Move to Stronger Resilience as an MSP with a Business-Grade MFA

In today’s business climate, more companies are looking for ways to enable their employees to work remotely. While this can certainly have its benefits, it also presents a unique set of challenges – not the least of which is how to keep your data secure. That’s where multi-factor authentication (MFA) comes in.

How can healthcare reinvent itself in the Cloud to prevent cyber threats?

Technological advances in the healthcare sector have led to increased interconnectivity and Cloud-based infrastructures in order to maintain physical distance due to COVID-19 and address the urgent need to deal with overwhelming patient volumes through online care. According to data from Global Markets Insights, the healthcare Cloud computing market was valued at over $29 billion in 2020 and is expected to be worth $79.3 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 13.4%.

The risks of coworking and how MSPs can help eliminate them

A coworking space, or communal workspace, enables professionals from different companies and industries to share the same office environment. These spaces first became popular among freelance workers, then became the preferred workplace for start-ups, but now, since the hybrid work model has become part of everyday life, companies planning to downsize or close offices see these places as their new workspace.