Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

Simplifying FedRAMP Compliance with Teleport

FedRAMP compliance is notoriously challenging, but it doesn't have to derail your DevOps flow or tech stack. Discover how Teleport’s robust infrastructure access and security platform addresses some of the toughest questions and hurdles in the FedRAMP process, empowering engineering, compliance, and security leaders to implement and enforce security controls seamlessly.

Accelerate FedRAMP Compliance with Teleport's Access Platform

FedRAMP authorization can take years. The process is time-consuming, expensive and risky, requiring extensive human capital and dedicated technical resources from the initial project standup through continuous monitoring and compliance reporting before an Authorization To Operate (ATO) has been achieved. The Teleport Access Platform significantly reduces the time, cost and risk associated with FedRAMP compliance by addressing many of the most difficult FedRAMP control requirements.

Teleport 16

It’s that time again — for a brand new major release. Our team releases major versions of Teleport every 4 months. Here we introduce Teleport 16. This post goes into detail about Teleport 16 breaking changes, bug fixes and improvements. In Teleport 16, we focused on new features and enhancements to enable our customers to implement mitigations to protect against an IdP Compromise.

No More Backdoors Know Who Has Access to What, Right Now

With threat actors able to breach and pivot to sensitive resources in less than 62 minutes, the security of your infrastructure depends on the ability to quickly identify who has access to what. This webinar introduces infrastructure professionals to Teleport Policy, the most recent addition to the Teleport Access Platform. Teleport Policy provides a visually rich view of access relationships and the tools to quickly uncover and remediate long-standing privileges and shadow or risky access paths.