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December 2020

How We Use Fuzzing Integrated by Ada Logics

This summer, Ada Logics integrated continuous fuzzing into Teleport to strengthen the security posture of the project. We’d like to thank Adam Korczynski from Ada Logics for initiating contact and doing the work. In this blog post, we will give a brief introduction to fuzzing and explain how to carry on the work moving forward. The motive for this work was to take the first steps in implementing fuzzing into Teleport’s development pipeline.

Introducing Teleport Cloud | Access Management SaaS | Servers - Clusters - Applications

Teleport Cloud allows you to secure access to your servers, Kubernetes clusters, and Web applications while leaving the operation of your Unified Access Plane to the experts at Teleport. You can still control access to your compute resources anywhere else in the cloud, plugin approval workflows, and use your choice of SSO identity provider. But now you can get your security deployed faster, and you have peace of mind knowing Teleport is continually patched, monitored, and maintained for you.

Unify Access to Cloud - Iterating on Identity-Based Management

The maturation of software development has been driven by the increasing segmentation of functions into their own portable environments. Infrastructure is splintered into dozens of computing resources, physical servers, containers, databases, Kubernetes pods, dashboards, etc. Such compartmentalization has made it incredibly simple for developers to enter their desired environments with minimal disruption to other working parts.

The Pitfalls of Language Runtimes and Multi-tenant Services

Modern languages like Python, NodeJS, and Go make it easy to handle concurrent requests for multiple customers at the same time by using threads or goroutines. Such services seem very cost effective because one process can handle hundreds or thousands of tenants. However, this efficiency comes at a hidden, steep price. When language runtime scheduling breaks down, one tenant can cause an outage for everyone.

Introducing Teleport Cloud

This blog post marks an important milestone for us! Just four years ago, as we grew frustrated with the state of SSH server access, Teleport was born. Eventually it grew way bigger than just SSH access, as our users want to use the same access workflow for all layers of their stacks. And today we’re announcing another way to use Teleport: as a hosted offering. Let’s dig deeper!