Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2021

Hello CISO - Episode 1 (Part 1): The Downfall of On-Premise Security

In the beginning, there was on-premise. Then things got complicated. Hello CISO is a new series aimed at Chief Information Security Officers, IT security teams, and all other members of an organization responsible for maintaining the safety and integrity of the business and its operations. "The responsibilities of the modern CISO are expanding as digital infrastructure grows more complex. It’s no longer feasible to protect against every single threat, so you have to think more strategically. We need to work smarter, not harder – and that’s what I want to explore in this series."

Tech needs women: an interview with the women leading Fastmail

As we discovered in our Women in Tech panel earlier this year, it’s important to show women succeeding in male-dominated industries, like technology/security, and to talk about how men can help create space for others in the workplace. We’ve previously highlighted our women-led Security team and now want to continue sharing stories about women in leadership by introducing you to two leaders that are helping create space for women and non-binary people in the tech industry.