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January 2025

Manager as mentor: Learnings from Sysdig's documentation team

After years in the technical writing trenches at industry giants like Cisco, Riverbed, and Akamai, I now lead the Sysdig Documentation team. I’m Shuba Subramaniam, and I’m passionate about creating content that truly helps people — whether they’re exploring Sysdig for the first time or troubleshooting a tricky issue at 2 a.m.

Detecting and mitigating CVE-2024-12084: rsync remote code execution

On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, a set of vulnerabilities were announced that affect the “rsync” utility. Rsync allows files and directories to be flexibly transferred locally and remotely. It is often used for deployments and backup purposes. In total, 6 vulnerabilities were announced to the OSS Security mailing list. The most severe vulnerability, CVE-2024-12084, may result in remote code execution. This post will cover how to detect and mitigate CVE-2024-12084.

Neo4j: Building a Secure Future with Sysdig CNAPP

Discover how Neo4j, the world’s leading graph database company, collaborates with Sysdig to reduce its risk in the cloud. From streamlining vulnerability management to building a trusted partnership, this video explores the transformative impact of Sysdig on Neo4j’s security operations. Speakers featured in this video: David Fox, CISO Fredrik Clementson, Senior Director of Engineering Preeti Preeti, Security Analyst.

Extending Falco for Gitlab

Many are familiar with how GitLab leverages Falco in its Package Hunter project to detect threats through system call monitoring. However, fewer may be aware of a powerful GitLab plugin for Falco that ingests audit events directly from GitLab, transforming them into actionable fields within Falco. By integrating GitLab audit event fields, you can create Falco rules to detect potential threats in real time and send alerts through your configured notification channels.

Sysdig is recognized as a Customers' Choice in Gartner Voice of the Customer for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms

As the adoption of cloud-native technologies like containers, Kubernetes, and microservices have evolved, traditional security solutions have struggled to keep up. According to the Sysdig Threat Research Team (TRT), the average time it takes an attacker to perform reconnaissance and complete an attack is just 10 minutes. To help teams outpace attackers, cloud-native application protection platforms have emerged.