Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

CultureAI raises $10 million in Series A funding to evolve the way organisations manage human risk

CultureAI has raised $10 million in capital. Mercia Ventures and Smedvig Ventures led the funding round. This funding will power CultureAI's product development and market expansion plans.

Navigating Digital Nightmares: A Survivor's Battle Against Online Harassment

Technology can serve as a double-edged sword for women grappling with domestic abuse: while it has the potential to save lives, it also has the capacity to lay bare one's most intimate vulnerabilities. One such harrowing story comes from a survivor (which we will call Bridget to protect her anonymity), who faced a nightmare of cyberstalking, intimate image abuse (colloquially known as revenge porn), and relentless online harassment that lasted for years.

One platform, complete protection: why data security is moving on from point solutions

As the world enters the AI Era, CISOs and CIOs are looking at data security with renewed interest and urgency. Instead of multiple overlapping yet disconnected tools, it’s time for one unified platform to trace and secure data wherever it goes.

The CIA Triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

The confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) triad is a critical concept in cybersecurity, including three fundamental principles that help protect information. Organizations seeking a starting point for developing an information security framework would benefit from the triad model.

What is Hashing and How Does It Work in Cyber Security?

Hashing transforms a key or set of characters into a unique value from the original input, all for cybersecurity data validation and integrity checking. Hashing is a one-way process based on creating a value to associate with a specific data set. Security solutions providers like IDStrong use the highest level of hashing and encryption to protect their users' information. Organizations like IDStrong understand how critical safeguarding their consumer’s credentials is.

Reveal Your Network's Hidden Weaknesses with KnowBe4's BreachSim Data Exfiltration Simulator

As cyber threats evolve, the target has become crystal clear: your data. A staggering 90% of ransomware attacks now include a data exfiltration component. With this in mind, KnowBe4 has introduced a robust free tool, BreachSim, to identify your network's vulnerabilities and shore up your cyber defenses. Financial losses, reputation damage, intellectual property theft, regulatory repercussions and operational disruptions are just a few of the harsh consequences of data exfiltration assaults. KnowBe4 BreachSim can help you nip these risks in the bud.

Everything to prepare for the 90-day SSL/TLS certificate validity proposal

In a recent proposal, Google has expressed its intention to reduce the validity of SSL/TLS certificates to 90 days, a reduction from the current validity of 398 days. The move is focused on ensuring faster security updates, improving adoption of newer cryptographic standards, and eliminating the reliance on imperfect revocation systems. While this move promises several security benefits, without a proper certificate life cycle management (CLM) solution in place, enterprises will face operational nightmares when the proposal becomes a mandate. Is your business ready for this change?

Detect SSRF attacks in cloud applications and APIs

APIs can be vulnerable to a wide variety of attacks, such as poor inventory management and access controls, making them a primary target for attackers. Server-side request forgery (SSRF) is one type of attack that has become more prominent with the rising use of public clouds. This is primarily due to new development practices like using Instance Metadata Services (IMDS) to access valuable information about deployed instances, such as credentials.