Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Introducing CloudCasa: Kubernetes Backup and Disaster Recovery

Introducing CloudCasa – A Smart Home for Protecting Your Cloud Data. CloudCasa is a Kubernetes (K8s) native and cloud native Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution that supports backup of Kubernetes clusters. CloudCasa offers a free service to backup your metadata and resources data to S3 and orchestrate Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots on your Kubernetes clusters.

Adventures in MQTT Part II: Identifying MQTT Brokers in the Wild

The use of publicly accessible MQTT brokers is prevalent across numerous verticals and technology fields. I was able to identify systems related to energy production, hospitality, finance, healthcare, pharmaceutical manufacturing, building management, surveillance, workplace safety, vehicle fleet management, shipping, construction, natural resource management, agriculture, smart homes and far more.

SASE and the Forces Shaping Digital Transformation Part 3: Government and Industry Regulations, and Global Social and Economic Forces

Regulatory authorities are still trying to catch up with cloud computing let alone the revolution that business digitalization is causing as there is no longer a data center to audit or a firewall log to review.

Pharma on the hook: cyberattackers phishing for your secret formulas

It goes without saying that mobility has become the key to productivity for any modern business. This is especially true for the highly competitive pharmaceutical industry. To be the first to bring a ground-breaking treatment or vaccine to market, pharmaceutical organizations need their employees to stay productive whether they’re working on your organization’s premises or not.

Solving alias_method and prepend Conflicts in Our Ruby Agent

One way that we monitor API calls from within our customer’s applications is through our agent. The Bearer Agent hooks into every API call in order to read the request, read the response, and in some scenarios act upon that information. The agent replaces methods in the HTTP clients with instrumented versions that call the original methods.

Container security on IBM Cloud

If you’re running containers and Kubernetes on IBM Cloud, you can now enable the key security workflows of Sysdig Secure as a service within your IBM Cloud deployments. This makes it easier for you to implement security tools and policies to ensure your containers and your Kubernetes environment are protected and running as intended. The new container and Kubernetes security features are integrated into IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig and offered as an additional service plan.

Lookout for Small Business: Secure Your Growing Business with Enterprise-grade Security

Regardless of how many employees you have, your growing business faces the same threats as larger organizations. And you depend on engaging your customers on a personal level to stand out in the crowd. So to preserve that relationship, you need a mobile security solution that protects your data and their privacy.