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Exploring the World of DevRel and Security: BoxyHQ AMA with Aldin Kiselica from Cerbos

Welcome to the BoxyHQ AMA featuring Aldin Kiselica from Cerbos, experienced in the world of Developer Relations (DevRel). In this insightful conversation, Aldin dives deep into his journey to DevRel as well as security and shares his invaluable expertise with the BoxyHQ hosts Nathan Tarbert and Hung Ngo. Join us as we discuss successful DevRel strategies, community building, and nurturing relationships with developers.

Data loss prevention for developers

A security violation in the form of a data breach can create costly damage to a company's reputation. But what exactly is a data breach? The European Commission has divided data breaches into three distinct categories — confidentiality breaches, integrity breaches, and availability breaches: In this article, you'll learn more about what a data breach is and how you can prevent data breaches when designing and developing your software.

The Power of Low-Code/No-Code Development in Changing Application Development Landscape

The landscape of application development is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing user demands. Over the past few years, we have witnessed the rise of generative AI, the “shift left” approach, and the increasing prominence of low-code/no-code development.

How to use Jit Security as a developer

Welcome to Jit! In this video, we'll explore the developer experience of Jit. Once Jit is installed in your GitHub environment, it scans the changes for each new pull request introduced to the monitored repo or organization based on your company’s security plan. For many findings, Jit will propose an auto-remediation. Click ‘Commit Suggestion’, and the finding will be resolved.

We're Teaming Up With Snyk to Strengthen Developer Security!

The new partnership enables Snyk and GitGuardian to build, integrate and go to market together to help development and security teams scale their security programs and significantly reduce their applications' attack surface at every stage of the code-to-cloud lifecycle.

Top 15 DevSecOps Tools that Accelerate Development

As developers, we’re constantly under pressure to innovate at speed. In 2022, 60% of developers who responded to a GitLab survey acknowledged that code is moving to production at an increasingly faster clip–up to five times faster than in previous years. But juggling tight deadlines with ever-evolving security threats is no joke. When prioritizing speed, unsafe code eventually slips into production.

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How To Get Developer Buy-In For AppSec Programs

Anyone who works on application security knows developers are inseparable from AppSec programs. Even so, the hardest part is figuring out how to get security on their agenda and actively involve them in preventing and managing vulnerabilities. Only with their buy-in and active involvement, it is possible to scale an application security program to the level desired by AppSec teams, especially in large enterprises where developers way outnumber security engineers.

Friend or foe: AI chatbots in software development

Yes, AI chatbots can write code very fast, but you still need human oversight and security testing in your AppSec program. Chatbots are taking the tech world and the rest of the world by storm—for good reason. Artificial intelligence (AI) large language model (LLM) tools can write things in seconds that would take humans hours or days—everything from research papers to poems to press releases, and yes, to computer code in multiple programming languages.

4 best practices for cultivating developer security adoption

Implementing adequate software supply chain security is a challenging feat in 2023. Attackers are becoming more sophisticated, and the growing complexity of modern applications makes them difficult to defend. We’re talking microservices, multi-cloud environments, and complex workflows — all moving at the speed of business. To address these challenges, the Snyk team organized two roundtable discussions, one held in North America and the other in EMEA.