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Federal agencies given five days to find hacked Exchange servers

CISA, the US Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, has told federal agencies that they have until 12:00pm EDT on Monday April 5 to scan their networks for evidence of intrusion by malicious actors, and report back the results. CISA is ordering agencies with on-premises Microsoft Exchange servers to urgently conduct the scans following widespread exploitation of vulnerabilities, in fear that some compromises may have remained undetected.

Role of Encryption in GDPR Compliance

Encryption has been a hot topic of discussion during the implementation phase of most data privacy laws. In the age where organizations are dealing with large volumes of data each day, the protection of this sensitive data is critical. The data, which is seen as a business-critical asset for organizations, should be protected against malicious hackers looking for opportunities to steal the data.

Survey: 99% of Security Pros Struggling to Secure Their IoT & IIoT Devices

Organizations are increasingly introducing new Internet of Things (IoT) devices into their environments. According to Statista, the aggregate number of IoT devices deployed by organizations globally increased from 7.74 billion in 2019 to around 8.74 billion a year later. The market and consumer data firm reported that the next few years will see growth in all types of IoT devices, including Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offerings like smart monitors.

NIST SP 800-172 (Formerly SP 800-171B) Release Couldn't Come at a Better Time

NIST’s timely new release of Special Publication (SP) 800-172 (formerly referred to in draft form as 800-171B) provides exactly what its title says, Enhanced Security Requirements for Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information: A Supplement to NIST SP 800-171. Yet it goes a step further to protect controlled unclassified information (CUI) specifically from APTs.

Average ransomware payouts shoot up 171% to over $300,000

Organisations hit by ransomware attacks are finding themselves paying out more than ever before, according to a new report from Palo Alto Networks. The Unit 42 threat intelligence team at Palo Alto Networks teamed up with the incident response team at Crypsis to produce their latest threat report which looks at the latest trends in ransomware, and compares payment trends to previous years.

How Tripwire Does Configuration Management Differently

So many times, we hear companies say, “Our tools are just like Tripwire’s,” “We do configuration management just like Tripwire” and “We can push out policy just like Tripwire.” But as we say, this just ain’t necessarily so. You might be able to do configuration management using a “Tripwire-like” tool. You might configure it and use it set up a policy or a configuration of a system.

Debunking Top Cloud Misconfiguration Myths

Do you remember all the apprehension about cloud migration in the early days of cloud computing? Some of the concerns ran the full paranoia gamut from unreliability to massive overcharging for cloud services. Some concerns, such as the lack of security of the entire cloud infrastructure, rose to the level of conspiracy theories. It is nice to know that those myths are all behind us. Or are they? It seems that many of the earlier misconceptions have been replaced with new notions about the cloud.

CISO Soup: Data Breaches, Strategy and Cybersecurity Culture

For the longest time, those of us who occupy the role of the CISO have fought for our seat at the ‘big table.’ Although it appears some of us are being invited into the C-suite, there is still a long way for us to go.This is highlighted in a 2021 report provided BT, which places “CISOs under the spotlight” and illuminates some interesting and concerning issues that businesses need to address.