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6 Cloud Security Resources that You Should Be Using

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the number of cloud security resources available. How do you know which sources to trust? Which ones should inform your security strategies? Which reports will actually improve your cloud security posture? Let’s first look at six cloud security guides that you should be using. These resources provide action items that you can take back to your team and use immediately.

How Can the Trucking Industry Secure Their Telematics?

The trucking sector is essential to countless other industries. Without reliable transportation, supply chains would crumble, and companies and consumers would face shortages. With so much riding on it, it’s no wonder why the industry has fully embraced technology like telematics in recent years. Telematics refers to the suite of technologies fleets use to share data between vehicles and command centers.

64 times worse than ransomware? FBI statistics underline the horrific cost of business email compromise

The FBI is reminding organisations of the serious threat posed by business email compromise (BEC) scams, declaring that it caused over $1.8 billion worth of losses to businesses last year. The newly-published annual cybercrime report from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) reveals that it had received a record number of complaints and claims of financial loss – with internet crime causing more than $4 billion in losses.

Security vs. Compliance: What's the Difference?

Security and compliance – a phrase often uttered in the same breath as if they are two sides of the same coin, two members of the same team or two great tastes that go great together. As much as I would like to see auditors, developers, and security analysts living in harmony like a delicious Reese’s cup, a recent gap analysis that I was part of reminded me that too often the peanut butter and chocolate sit alone on their own separate shelves.

4 Strategies to Mitigate Pass-the-Cookie Attacks

Another year, another new set of cybersecurity threats to overcome, outwit and mitigate against. At the beginning of 2021, the cybersecurity world was informed by CISA (the USA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) of a spate of attacks targeting cloud environment configurations, supposedly occurring as a result of the increase in remote working.

To Patch or Not to Patch in OT - That Is the Real Challenge

The objective of an organization when implementing cybersecurity controls is to eliminate risk, but this oftentimes involves settling for managing risk at an acceptable level. Each organization defines what that acceptable level is depending on several factors including the environment, the criticality of function, the asset type, etc. There are many methods and techniques that an organization can then use to manage this risk. One of the most commonly used methods is patching.

Secure the Supply Chain with Center for Internet Security (CIS) and Tripwire

Events like the recent Sunburst/SolarWinds and Florida water plant breaches serve as a reminder that the supply chain needs to be secured just as much as your organization’s in-house infrastructure. Protecting the supply chain is a matter of implementing the right cybersecurity controls to your multi-vendor environment, such as the 20 Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls.

Navigating Transformation with Managed Cybersecurity Services

The coronavirus pandemic has added new layers to the threat landscape facing corporate security leaders in 2020 and going into 2021, as well. As businesses and workforces sought to adapt rapidly to remote working at scale, malicious groups and other threat actors began exploiting opportunities to target stressed people and systems with malware.

What Does the HIPAA Safe Harbor Bill Mean for Your Practice?

Getting incentives for the best security practices is a win-win for all healthcare-related entities. For one, you are getting incentives, and secondly, you are making sure that you have a rock-solid defense in terms of security. Many organizations find that the rules and regulations that HIPAA entails are too extensive and overwhelming, however. What’s more, cybersecurity wasn’t a thing when HIPAA was introduced.