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Common Criteria Certification: What Is It, and What Does It Mean for Tripwire Enterprise?

The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security performs evaluations on common IT products and releases a report called “Common Criteria Certification.” This process allows for organizations to review an evaluation without needing to set up and configure an IT product that they would like to test. Tripwire Enterprise v8.8.2.2 was recently evaluated and passed the certification.

Using Strategic Choices to Ensure Continuous and Effective Cyber Security

Organizations are overwhelmed by the choice of cyber security tools in the market. They need to balance prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities with managing their secure configurations. What’s more, many organizations are using hybrid clouds where they need to protect assets that are hosted both on premises and in the cloud. This complexity requires a thoughtful approach to cyber security.

Amazon Addresses Best Practice Secrets Management with AWS Secrets Manager

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, and one factor driving this escalation is the fact that today’s IT systems are integrated and interconnected, requiring login information from multiple parties and services. In response, Amazon Web Services has launched the AWS Secrets Manager, a service designed to help organizations get a handle on these “secrets” by storing and accessing them in a secure way.

White Hat, Black Hat, and Grey Hat Hackers: What Do They Do, and What Is the Difference Between Them?

Picture this: a young person is in a dark room. The only thing visible is their figure, as it is just barely lit by the blinding LEDs of their computer screen. They type furiously on an ergonomic keyboard as thousands of lines of neon green monospace text fly across the screen. Click-clack-click-clack-click-clack.

REvil, Ryuk and Tycoon Ransomware: How They Work and How to Defend Against Them

It is the Tuesday morning after a long weekend. You come into work early to get caught up on emails only to find you are completely locked out. You have been hit by a ransomware attack. You ask yourself, “What happened? And how do I fix it?” This post will explore three of the most significant ransomware families of 2020: Tycoon, Ryuk and REvil.

Malicious Actors Reserving Their Cyber Attacks for the Hospitality Industry

Cyber attacks that lead to data breaches are becoming increasingly common in all industries, but there are certain types of businesses that are more vulnerable than others. The hospitality industry in particular is one of the most likely industries to be targeted by cybercriminals in addition to retail and finance.