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Endpoint Security

WatchGuard Cloud Honored at Cloud Computing Security Excellence Awards 2021

WatchGuard is excited to announce that once again, WatchGuard Cloud has been honored in the 2021 Cloud Computing Security Excellence Awards! This elite awards program recognizes companies that have most effectively leveraged cloud computing in their efforts to bring new, differentiated offerings to market.

WatchGuard Wins 2021 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award

For the second year in a row, TrustRadius has recognized WatchGuard in its 2021 Tech Cares Awards! This prestigious awards program celebrates companies that have gone above and beyond to provide strong Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). TrustRadius CEO Vinay Bhagat had this to say about the honor: “We’re excited to announce our second annual Tech Cares Award winners. The past two years have tested the tech community.

5 Tips to Provide Your Customers with The Advanced Endpoint Security They Really Need

Advanced cybersecurity is now the baseline of complex IT environments that include computers, servers, laptops, and other devices that may be used within the corporate network but also outside the office. It is also critical to face the growing threat landscape of advanced, silent, and targeted attacks. But how can you make sure you meet each of your customers’ specific requirements and deliver a cutting-edge IT approach in a way that is sustainable for your business?

Introducing LimaCharlie Comms: Operations at Scale

Comms is built for Digital Forensics & Incident Response. It is a console, communications platform and audit trail that is deeply integrated with all aspects of LimaCharlie. It is not something that was bolted on after the fact but rather something that has been purposefully built to operationalize the full power of LimaCharlie towards responding to threats and defending against attackers.

Cybersecurity Insights - Cyber Insurance Now Requires MFA

Recent cybersecurity incidents and ransomware attacks are driving companies to apply for cyber insurance. When doing so, companies have been facing one new prerequisite to become eligible: multi-factor authentication protection of your assets. Companies looking into acquiring cyber insurance need to make sure they won’t be paying high premiums, or even have their applications denied. In this session, you will learn from Alexander Cagnoni, director of Authentication at WatchGuard.

Using the Responder Sweep Tool

The responder - or sweep sensor functionality - is designed for incident responders or any one else trying to get the ground truth on a box. With one click of a button you can get list of processes and modules, a list of any unsigned binary code, autoruns, services, drivers, network connections, which sockets are listening on which ports and what is active on the network. It will also look for hidden modules or any indicators that are new to your organization.