Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Disabling Backups! - A Ransomware Story

In this session, John Goecke (CEO) discusses with Venky how everything changed for StratusVue after a ransomware attack in 2018. He shares how the construction industry is a soft target as there is no regulatory oversight, unlike in banking and healthcare, and security is always an afterthought for business owners. Along with all this, he explains complex terms like zero-day, zero-trust, FedRAMP, etc., in a highly rudimentary way.

More Cloud Integration Capabilities for Kubernetes Backup and Restore in the February Update of CloudCasa

Mid-winter is fast approaching, meaning it’s nearly time to start thinking about spring again! But here at Catalogic all we’ve been thinking about lately is adding more features to CloudCasa. We were thrilled to hear that CloudCasa has been named a Kubernetes data protection leader and outperformer in the recently released GigaOm Radar for Kubernetes Data Protection Report, but we have no intention of resting on our laurels!

Automating Kubernetes Backups with CloudCasa REST APIs

For power users who want to run their scripts from the command line or use workflow automation tools to provision their environments, watch this short tutorial on how to use the CloudCasa REST API to manage Kubernetes backups. The tutorial goes through an example of executing a CloudCasa backup job through the REST API, which requires tasks such as querying for backup job ids and invoking an action against that job through an http request.

Accelerated Cloud Adoption, Digital Transformation, and More Cyber Resiliency In 2023

In this episode of 2023 Predictions, Sathya Sankaran, General Manager of CloudCasa by Catalogic, speaks with Swapnil Bhartiya on his insights into where he sees the industry heading in 2023. The pandemic resulted in the acceleration of cloud adoption and digital transformation and Sathya expects this momentum to continue in 2023 as well.

Connect to 11:11 Systems Secure Cloud Service Provider - 11:11 Secure Cloud Backup with Veeam

This video is the first step for setting up the iland Secure Cloud Backup with Veeam service. It provides step-by-step instructions for adding 11:11 Systems as a Service provider. In the event that you run into any issues or have any questions, feel free to reach out to your 11:11 Systems Project Manager or the 11:11 Systems support team.