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The mysterious supply chain concern of string-width-cjs npm package

This story starts when Sébastien Lorber, maintainer of Docusaurus, the React-based open-source documentation project, notices a Pull Request change to the package manifest. Here’s the change proposed to the popular cliui npm package: Specifically, drawing our attention to the npm dependencies change that use an unfamiliar syntax: Most developers would expect to see a semver version range in the value of a package or perhaps a Git or file-based URL.

Proactive AppSec continuous vulnerability management for developers and security teams

What are some of the growing cybersecurity risks in the modern software development landscape that keep CISOs busy? Developers and security teams face an ever-increasing array of threats, from sophisticated open source and vendor-controlled supply chain attacks to vulnerabilities introduced by AI-generated code like prompt injection and poor code security by GitHub Copilot.

Snyk named a 2024 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Application Security Testing for the 3rd consecutive year

Snyk, a leading provider in developer security, is excited to share that we’ve been named a Customers’ Choice in the 2024 Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer for Application Security Testing for a third consecutive year. Gartner defines the Application Security Testing category as products and services designed to analyze and test applications for security vulnerabilities. This distinction is based on meeting or exceeding user interest, adoption, and overall experience.

Going beyond reachability to prioritize what matters most

Most modern applications contain a substantial number of open source packages, libraries, and frameworks. In fact, it's estimated that at least 80% of the source code in modern applications is from open source. In addition to relying heavily on commodity components to build applications, development teams often deploy these apps and services via community-sourced container base images.