Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The persistent threat: Why major vulnerabilities like Log4Shell and Spring4Shell remain significant

As developers, we're constantly juggling features, fixes, and deadlines. Yet, a lurking issue has been surprisingly overlooked: the continued use of vulnerable Log4j and Spring Framework versions in many projects. Despite the high-profile exposure of Log4Shell and Spring4Shell vulnerabilities, a shocking number of applications are still running on these ticking time bombs. This isn't just a minor oversight — it's a major risk.

Agent hijacking: The true impact of prompt injection attacks

Over the last 18 months, you’ve probably heard about Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT and Google’s Gemini. Whether you’re using them as a personal research assistant, an editor, or a data analyst, these tools represent a new frontier of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and arguably will have the most significant impact of any technology in this decade.

Snyk Code, the only security tool chosen by developers in Stack Overflow's 2024 AI Search and Developer Tools survey

Snyk Code was the only code security tool shortlisted by developers as an AI tool they’ve been regularly using this past year or are looking forward to using next year in Stack Overflow’s recent 2024 AI Search and Developer Tools survey. This underlines Snyk’s dominance as the favorite AI security tool of both developers and security teams and confirms that Snyk Code is providing immense value to developers.

Navigating the AI-powered development era in financial services

Australian and New Zealand financial service institutions (FSIs) are facing pressure to innovate quickly while maintaining robust security and regulatory compliance. Many, like ANZ Bank and Commonwealth Bank, are exploring Generative AI to accelerate software development, but is it a silver bullet?

A developer's best friend: Lessons learned from our canine companions about AI code security

Happy International Dog Day! This official holiday celebrates our furry friends and the joy they bring to our lives! Today is particularly special for all of us at Snyk because of our four-legged mascot, Patch the Doberman. But what exactly does a dog have to do with application security? Here at Snyk, we see the idea of a “guard dog” protecting someone’s home as similar to how AppSec solutions can protect today’s development practices.