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What you should know about PHP code security

When it comes to web development, PHP is a widely used scripting language. With its popularity, it is crucial to understand the potential security risks associated with PHP and the measures to mitigate them. Whether you deploy CMS applications using WordPress or build enterprise applications with the Laravel PHP framework, the importance of PHP security and the business impact of some notable PHP interpreter vulnerabilities are crucial for developers to get right.

How AI Impacts Reconnaissance and Bug Bounties

Is AI impacting security reconnaissance and bug bounties? Will AI be used by malicious actors in security research? These are just a few questions asked in this interview with NahamSec, in which we discuss AI in the coding and cyber security sector, how it can be used both positively and negatively, how it can impact the job market, and how it can be controlled to better serve the industry. Resources.

3 ways AppSec modernization is a game-changer for financial services

Today’s established financial services companies face high pressure from their competition. Many of them find that they must provide an innovative, customized customer experience (CX) or lose out to FinTech disruptors who are already doing CX well. As a result, these businesses are prioritizing innovative, feature-rich applications and adopting the latest and greatest in software development to speed up release cycles and increase productivity.