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Snyk finds 200+ malicious npm packages, including Cobalt Strike dependency confusion attacks

Snyk recently discovered overt 200 malicious packages in the npm registry. While we acknowledge that vulnerability fatigue is an issue for developers, this article is not about the typical case of typosquatting or random malicious package. This article shares the findings of targeted attacks aimed at businesses and corporations that Snyk was able to detect and share the insights.

The importance of security automation

Security is a critical, if somewhat overwhelming, task for any organization. As products grow and teams expand, the challenge of maintaining a security posture at scale increases as well. This is where automation comes in. The ability to automate security tasks offers obvious benefits such as increased speed, while also driving deeper shifts in a company’s culture and processes.

`npm init JSQuiz` The JS trivia night where you can win prizes!

Hey there friends of JS! Now tell me... do you think you could be a master of JS? Maybe you’re also a local legend of trivia night? Even if you’re neither of those things… Come and have a blast with us LIVE, and win some awesome prizes!! Join us on May 11 for a live trivia game hosted by @snyksec and @BrisJS, Test your JavaScript and Node.js knowledge for a fun-filled evening. Swag, giveaways and bragging rights included!