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Buffer overflow attacks in C++: A hands-on guide

A buffer overflow is a type of runtime error that allows a program to write past the end of a buffer or array — hence the name overflow — and corrupt adjacent memory. Like most bugs, a buffer overflow doesn’t manifest at every program execution. Instead, the vulnerability is triggered under certain circumstances, such as unexpected user input.

Best practices for your first 30 days with Snyk

This post is applicable to Business plan and Enterprise plan customers. Adopting a new platform can seem intimidating, but with Snyk it doesn’t have to be. We have three tips to help you roll out Snyk, and have a seamless and successful first 30 days across your business or enterprise. Before you start inviting team members and importing projects, you’ll want to consider your account strategy, set up single sign-on (SSO), and configure your first organization.

Webinar recap: Snyk and the new era of software security

Snyk’s Senior Product Marketing Manager, Frank Fischer, recently hosted a webinar about the value in using a developer security platform to secure code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code (IaC). During this talk, Fischer discussed the shift in software security that has occurred over the past decade, the need for developers to take part in the security process, and the value of Snyk in securing the entire development lifecycle.

Addressing cybersecurity challenges in open source software with the Linux Foundation

Snyk recently partnered with the Linux Foundation to produce a report focusing on the state of security in the open source software (OSS) space. The report was based on 550+ survey responses and 15 interviews with OSS maintenance and cybersecurity experts. Following the report’s publication, experts from Snyk held a webinar with the Linux Foundation to discuss some of the key insights.

Webinar recap: The missing story with every cloud breach

Snyk’s Chief Architect, Josh Stella, recently hosted a webinar about cloud security. Stella was the co-founder and CEO of Fugue, a cloud security and compliance company that was acquired by Snyk. With the capabilities of Fugue, Snyk will bring its developer-first security platform into the cloud security space. During this talk, Stella discussed the missing story in every cloud breach: the tale of how, when, and where attackers operate in the cloud.

Top 5 tips for C++ security

C++ has become a pivotal part of the modern day tech industry. It has been used for multiple purposes, such as desktop applications, server applications, gaming, virtual reality, internet of things firmware, and even as the foundation for many modern day programming languages. Since the initial C++ release in 1985, as an extension to the C programming language, it was designed with an orientation towards system programming and embedded resource development.

10 React security best practices

The date on this post reflects its latest update. This post was originally published on October 28, 2020. Looking for the best ways to secure your React app? Then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve created this checklist of React security best practices to help you and your team find and fix security issues in your React applications. We’ll also show you how to automatically test your React code for security-related issues and automatically fix them. Let’s get to it!