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The npm faker package and the unexpected demise of open source libraries

Where do open source dependencies go to die, and why do they come to an end? What happened to the npm faker module? Can it happen again? Join me to learn how open source software libraries rise to glory and how they reach their end of life. I’ll also include some takeaways for developers and ops engineers.

Best practices for containerizing .net applications

Containerization with Docker has become a major trend in web application development that many.NET developers have adopted. There are many compelling advantages for developers and DevOps engineers to containerize.NET applications, even when working with the older.NET Framework 4.x versions. However, if we don’t know how to use containers properly, we’ll experience little benefit from them.

Securing container applications using the Snyk CLI

When scanning an image you probably want to scan for both operating system vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities in the application dependencies (like npm, pom.xml, package.json etc), in order to get a full picture of the security issues within your images. Until now, when using the Snyk Container test/monitor commands to scan images you had to specify the --app-vulns flag in order to scan for application vulnerabilities.

How to build a Slack bot with Zapier and JavaScript to fetch trending topics on Reddit

Reddit is a good place to stay in the loop when it comes to web development news, and if you’re like me, you probably follow subreddits like r/node or r/javascript. I recently found a great way to build a Zapier Reddit integration with just my JavaScript knowledge — so I can share those trending Reddit posts in my team’s channel. In this article you’ll learn.

How Malicious NPM Packages Make Your Apps Vulnerable

During this live stream we had a conversation with Zbyszek Tenerowicz (ZB) where he discuss how we can be susceptible to malicious packages as developers. Didn't catch the live stream? Ask all of your Snyk questions, and we’ll do our very best to answer them in the comment section. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Building Modern Access-Control for Cloud Applications with Or Weis | SnykLIVE Recording

With the growing complexity of modern applications and microservices based architectures getting access-control right has become a huge ongoing pain-point, as companies find themselves reimplementing access-control over and over. Solutions are found in the new tool sets of policy as code, as well as the 5 best practices and open-source tools (e.g. OPA, OPAL, Zanzibar) we can use to face the challenge.

Best practices for container isolation

Containers are a standardized software packaging format that provides a predictable, replicable way to run applications. Container isolation is one of the primary benefits of containerized applications. Using containers enables us to isolate our software from its environment, increasing consistency and reliability across our development and staging environments. You’re probably familiar with — or are using — Docker containers.

Applying the principle of least privilege to Kubernetes using RBAC

The principle of least privilege (PoLP) is a defensive strategy in the software development world. Alternatively called the principle of minimal privilege or the principle of least authority, PoLP ensures that users can only access the systems, processes, networks, and files required to complete their assigned tasks. When properly configured, unauthorized users can’t navigate to restricted application functions or switch roles.