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Building a secure CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions has made it easier than ever to build a secure continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for your GitHub projects. By integrating your CI/CD pipeline and GitHub repository, GitHub Actions allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository or deploy merged pull requests to production.

Developer empowerment for software security with Snyk IDE plugins

For application security, the shift left strategy is something that every enterprise is embracing today, which essentially means putting the security controls in earlier stages of development. This is more like a “nipping the problem in the bud” strategy where the security controls in their respective domains highlight the potential security weaknesses related to vulnerabilities in code, vulnerabilities in third-party packages and code quality issues.

Safely handling containers

Snyk Ambassadors are passionate about sharing their security expertise. Become one today by signing up! In the shipping industry, the container format follows ISO 668, a standard format that regulates the safe stacking of containers. Imagine your applications with multiple containers, running different applications, serving different purposes for people all over the world.

Stranger Danger: Your Java Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building Java applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome - you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility has broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.

Announcing the 2022 State of Open Source Security report from Snyk and the Linux Foundation

Open source software is a key component in modern applications. It has created a new era in software development, promoting a free exchange of ideas within the developer community and enabling developers to build more functional software, faster than ever. Based on most estimates, 70-90% of any piece of modern software includes open source code.

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How to decide what to fix when you can't fix everything

Contributing to a legacy software development project, as a security-aware developer, is a bit like inheriting an old house. In my old house, the roof is missing tiles, the bathroom taps are dripping, the front door doesn't lock properly, the hallway needs redecorating and there are worrying cracks in the foundations. I don't know where to start. The security problems with the application I've recently (hypothetically) joined are similarly vexing and diverse. It has deprecated dependencies to older versions of software libraries. It could be misconfigured using insecure protocols.

Stranger Danger: Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building JavaScript applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome, you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.