Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Secure your application from Argo CD to Kubernetes

GitOps is a popular framework for managing and securing the application development pipeline. For many who have embarked on a GitOps journey, a common question is: “how can I secure my pipeline when everything is automated?” The GitOps framework is a concept where any code commits or changes are done through Git, which then triggers an automated pipeline that builds and deploys applications on Kubernetes.

SnykLive | Stranger Danger: Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger | Oct 5, 2022

Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger- here's what you need to know: Building JavaScript applications today means developers must take a step further from writing code. This live stream demonstrates a live JavaScript and cloud-native hacking session to show common threats, vulnerabilities, and misconfigurations. Further, we show how you can protect your application with actionable remediation and best practices for each exploit shown.

Stranger Danger: Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building JavaScript applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome - you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility has broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.

How to use Java DTOs to stay secure

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in Java are objects that transport data between subsystems. It is an enterprise design pattern to aggregate data. The main purpose is to reduce the number of system calls needed between the subsystems, reducing the amount of overhead created. In this article, I will explain how DTOs are used in modern Java applications, ways your application can benefit, and how Java DTOs can help you be more secure by preventing accidental data leaks.

Container images simplified with Ko

In a previous article, I wrote about how — and why — you might want to use the Google Open Source group’s Jib tool to build your Java application container images. Jib builds slim, JVM-based, OCI-compliant images that follow best practice guidelines without the need for a container runtime like Docker, and it removes the need to write and manage Dockerfiles. What if you are building Go applications, though?

Security lessons with a Snyk Ambassador

Security has been a concern in the tech industry for years now. However, not a lot of companies follow their own protocols or guides when it comes to securing code. It’s easy to believe that security incidents are uncommon (or unlikely to happen in your own organization), but the latest issue with Uber is one of many examples to the contrary.

Red teams vs blue teams: Breaking down security roles

Red teams, blue teams, and purple teams, oh my! Many of us have heard these terms, but what exactly do they mean? And where does our individual interest and expertise place us? There are many niche roles within security, but this post will cover the basics of red, blue, and purple teams, and explain how they work together to enhance an organization’s security posture.

Cloud security fundamentals part 1: Know your environment

140,000 Social Security numbers and about 80,000 bank account numbers — that’s what one attacker stole from a major financial institution back in 2019. How did it happen? The attacker used firewall credentials to obtain privilege escalation and hack into improperly secured Amazon cloud instances.

2022 Collaboration Partner of the Year: Snyk

This week, at HashiConf 2022, Snyk was recognized by HashiCorp as the winner of the 2022 Collaboration Technology Partner of the Year award. Carey Stanton, Snyk’s Senior Vice President of Business Development, was in Los Angeles and accepted the award on stage at HashiConf. Snyk is honored to be named HashiCorp’s 2022 Technology Partner of the Year for Collaboration.