Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Announcing automated fixes for vulnerabilities in .NET dependencies

We’re pleased to announce improved support for.NET applications in Snyk Open Source, allowing developers to fix vulnerabilities in.NET dependencies with the help of actionable advice and automated pull requests! As of the time of writing, NuGet, the Microsoft-supported and de-facto standard package manager for.NET, has 276,266 unique packages, downloaded on average more than a billion times a week!

Proactively fixing vulnerabilities to maintain Java security and project hygiene with Snyk

As a developer, I spend a lot of time in my GitHub account. I write apps, little utilities, and proof of concepts for when I am learning something new. I like to think that, because I spend a lot of time on GitHub, the overall health of my account is pretty high.

AppSec during hypergrowth: Empower your developers to overcome the tech talent shortage

Many high-growth technology startups are pressured to deliver applications to market ahead of fast-moving competitors. It’s all too easy to allow a “we’ll get to that eventually” mentality to creep in when competing priorities appear to force a tradeoff with development velocity. This introduces unnecessary risks, but they can be mitigated by implementing an effective AppSec program that involves the right tools, processes, and mindset.

Best practices for containerizing Python applications with Docker

From reading many Python Docker container blogs, we’ve found that the majority of posts provide examples of how to containerize a Python application independent of its framework (Django, Flask, Falcon, etc.). For example, you might see something like this: With this Dockerfile, we can build and run a Python Flask application: Two simple steps and it works just fine, right?

Snyk IaC wins 2021 CRN Tech Innovator Award & continues to grow channel business

There’s never a dull moment at Snyk and for our Channel team that it’s been especially rewarding. We’re very excited to say that this week Snyk Infrastructure as Code (Snyk IaC) was named the winner of the cloud security category for the 2021 CRN Tech Innovator award. The full list of winners, unveiled earlier this week, showcases innovative vendors in the IT channel across 47 different technology categories, in key areas ranging from cloud to storage to networking to security.

Scanning ARM templates for misconfigurations with the Snyk CLI

Managing application resources at scale can be tricky business. As such, many DevOps and AppSec teams turn to using a declarative framework rather than writing individual scripts to deploy, manage, and maintain access controls for their resources. For Azure environments, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is this management layer that allows teams to manage their infrastructure as code (IaC) through declarative ARM templates.

How Datto made developer-first security a reality with Snyk

When David McCheyne, DevOps Engineer at Datto, outlined a plan to ease the company into developer-first security using Snyk, he thought it would take his teams a year to prove the concept. A seasoned DevOps pro, David understood very well the enormity of this change and was prepared to slowly introduce Datto security champions to the Snyk platform and not force the process.